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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 2-6

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This is great soap.....I'm 11 minutes into the show. Thank god it's a commercial so I can regain my composure. I've been crying for the past 5 minutes. Forbes March....those tears....:( OMG!

Back to the show I go.

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OMG! Viki bringing Bree in to see Nash was just..............the Clint/Nash scenes........

Clint: "Thank you for loving my daughter the way you have."

Bree crying being taking otu of the room. Jessica and Nash crying....

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I just watched again ... WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Weeks like this remind me of why I love soaps. All of these characters, many of whom I have cared about for years, overlapping and interacting.

I like when I can feel a moment of sympathy for a character I am disliking, such as when Natalie was alone in the chapel lighting a candle today. And I actually thought MA's crying came across alright in that scene!

But my performers of the week are Robin Strasser and Bree Williamson. Don't you think Bree did such a fantastic job portraying the utter desperation you would feel if your true love was dying. I really wouldn't know how to say good-bye.

And seriously ... the line "You're not just in my heart, you're my heart. You're my whole heart." That is the stuff love stories and soap operas are made of.

R.I.P. Nash.

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What a build.........I need to write a freakin column on this....

I teared up throughout the episode, but I didn't break down until Nash drew the heart on Jessica's hand. Then the flashback....and the kiss.....that was it for me. What an episode....a great episode.....

Now I have to go wash my face.

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As much as I hate that Nash is gone, the fallout is going to be GOOD. Looks like the Jessica/Natalie rivalry is back on. Jessica had some intense hate in her voice and body in the previews. This is going to be some good stuff people

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