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Y&R: Week of March 17, 2008

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Yeah, I don't find the actresses you mentioned bad actresses because I can think of several instances when I enjoyed them (exception:Tammin).

Vail was annoying but she tried hard to deliver those craptastic lines well. I appreciated her as an actress for that.

Adrienne Frantz was good on B&B. (I think)

And Raya's good, too. She doesn't have anything major yet. I say give her a chance and see what she can do.

Thad Luckinbill was also good against 1st Mac and 1st Colleen AND Brittany... and Brittany's mom. Great chemistry with those women. But not with Amelia.

I guess it's everyone's opinion, really, of who's good and who's not.

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LOL, as you say, different strokes for different folks. I personally cringe whenever TL or Maya Meddine open their mouths to deliver a line but I'm willing to wait and see where their stories go to be convinced otherwise. :)

IA about Vail, she got some shitastic dialogue.

AF is growing on me because she seems like a great person IRL and she and MG are so sparky. But Amber was the horse that practically ate B&B alive. And I'm still not fully recovered from that whole porn site/mole on her left breast horror from last year.

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I actually do not think VB is a bad actress, she just isnt a good actress. i find it hard to judge her because her char never did ANYTHING. besides, i did think she and DD had some chem going on so it worked for me. I will give you TS, shes awful. But AF? I do not think shes awful at all. Yes she does overact and is over the top and makes amber trash - but this is Amber, she does over react, is over the top, and is trash. as for TL, i like him too, i do not love him, but he is not awful. He works in the role he is in. again i will give you chick who plays Sabrina, shes horrid.

But CK is awful. I can tell shes trying to remember her lkines and think of how to say them as she is doing the scene. It is sad. I could deal if she was blahh, or even if she was an awful actress, but it is like she doesnt know how to act. and that is not okay - esp after years.

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Other than the obvious acting, the writing for Lily has generally been HORRIBLE, no matter the actress who was playing her.

Though I certainly bought Devetta and Adrienne Leon as best friends, Christel and Tammin don't click at all, but of course Latham had to get rid of both Sherwood and Leon.... :rolleyes:

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Okay, I hope they aren't going to write Adam as someone that only has one focus on Phyllis....At a point it becomes annoying to have a conversation about business and then BOOM, he starts talking about Phyllis and he ex-husband; Phyllis and her affair with Nick; Phyllis being the brains behind everything....I would rather have Adam be in an actual storyline where the female isn't the driving reason to stir up trouble for the already fragile Newman family....They can honestly have a storyline where it is a big focus on Nick, Victoria vs Adam...We don't need to truly have Adam sniffing around Phyllis to stir up trouble for Nick...it's been done way too many times, and we don't need Phyllis to bed another Newman, so to speak.

I saw the previews and I could honestly say that Danny, as always is so used to using the blame game all the time....Sorry but nobody prevented him from trying to see how his son is; if he truly wanted to be in his son's life, he has a mouth and he could have used it at anytime....so blaming Phyllis for the mere fact of not forewarning Daniel ahead of time is a bogus excuse for Danny's own shortcomings.... Danny could have made attempts to get back into Daniel's life...it's his own fault that he hadn't...

I nearly fell out of my seat listening to the message Sharon was listening to that Alistar had on his phone.... :lol:

I take it that the spoiler I have that says :

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:lol: Ooooo, you told me :lol:

I personally would love to see a storyline where a woman wasn't the issue, but rather family strains being the issue; and Adam's being there alone is enough to have a good storyline where both Victoria and Nick have their own different struggles in dealing with his being there.

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