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Y&R: Week of March 17, 2008

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Why are you still fighting what is in print? Danny told Daniel about Phyllis rigging the DNA test and drugging Brian to get his blood. Now how is that not the whole truth? He told Daniel that Phyllis was unfit at the time. He knows everything. Daniel's beef with his father is how he shipped him off to boarding school while he was out being a "rockstar".,

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PHYLLIS told Daniel she only used her pregnancy to snag Danny cause Brian didn't want kids. LIE #1.

PHYLLIS told Daniel Cricket was jealous & on a power trip during the custody battle. LIE #2.

PHYLLIS told Daniel Cricket used him as a weapon. LIE #3.

PHYLLIS told Daniel the only reason he didn't have a Mother was cause Cricket was vindictive & spiteful. LIE #4.

PHYLLIS told Daniel Danny never really got over Cricket during their marriage. LIE #5.

A beef they worked through.

One which Daniel was willing to forego in order to spare DANNY'S feelings.

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Cricket was jealous of Phyllis and Danny because Phyllis ended their relationship. She wanted Danny back and she deserved to have him back. Danny didn't get over Cricket because if he had, he wouldn't have went back to her after he ended it with Phyllis. Yes Phyllis did tell Daniel her version and left out most of the truth. Danny and Chris told Daniel the whole truth as posted in those transcripts and he chose to side with Phyllis because in his mind Danny abandoned him in boarding school and kept him from his mother. You have yet to show where they have reconciled. And this isn't meant to mean or to start anything, but you really don't look to good fighting the facts back and forth with everyone and typing Phyllis in all caps as if you're yelling and using those rolling eye icons. It comes off as immature. If you would like to have an intelligent discussion, you can do so without all that and I have invited you to show me in print via transcripts where they have reconciled but you don't.

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Cricket was NOT jealous of Phyllis & Danny.

She disliked Phyllis but she was not jealous of them especially after she married Paul.

His feelings for Cricket helped (but weren't totally responsible for) the destruction of his first marriage to Phyllis.

Their second marriage was ruined by Phyllis all by herself.

You have yet to show where they didn't OR where Danny & Cricket trashed Phyllis.

This also isn't meant to be mean or to start anything, but you don't really look good fighting "the facts" back & forth in an obsessive effort to try to prove Phyllis right beyond fault.

No dear. That would be you.

If you would like to have an intelligent discussion you can do so without all the condescendion & single minded obsessive STAN behavior about all things Phyllis & I have invited you to show me in print via transcripts where they have reconcilced but you haven't so don't get on your soap box & act like an aggrieved martyr.

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If you watched last weeks episodes then you would know that they didn't reconcile so I shouldn't have to post that as I'm sure all of us have memory enough to know what happened last week. You are the one who said that they did reconcile and so you need to show where they did. No one else but you remembers them reconciling. Until you can post a transcript of them reconciling then this discussion is over. You can argue with yourself.

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As of this point, we are going to end this Danny/Daniel topic. We have been going back and forth on this for a day already. While it was great to read everyone's opinions as to what one thinks happened regarding the Daniel/Danny reconciliation or lack there of one, it is time to move on and talk about the show in general.

I'm only going to say this once. After that, I will either make the decision to close the discussion or issue out warnings if it continues.

Thank you.

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Now Venus has asked that everyone start giving each other respect in this thread, and it seems she's been ignored.

Now, we can start issuing warnings (And such) but I hope it won't ahve to come to that.

So let's be respectful while disagreeing with someone.

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