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ATWT Monday March 10

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I for one am sick to death of this baby Hallie storyline. Enough already. The baby is with Will and Gwen then Sophie then Will and Gwen then Sophie then Will and Gwen win custody and now we give it back to Sophie? I really hate this storyline. It makes Gwen look really wishy washy and not deserving of raising Hallie either. That poor baby, she is back and forth all the time. The only part of this story I like is Will looks like he's getting his balls back.....halleluia! Too bad it's too late.

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If Bonnie is still desperate for clients, hopefully Will can throw her a bone. He needs to divorce Gwen immediately. After all the crap he's gone through to be a father, look at how she gives away Hal's namesake, just because Sophie is a little verklempt. Someone who can't even provide for Hallie.

It's nice to see some consistency with Brad's gay panic. I wish he was still hurling snide comments at Luke. We can't have someone with those big scrumptious muscles being a total creep, though.

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Gwen is the most selfish twit on the planet! I can't believe Will is not even allowed to vent at her for doing this! A marriage is supposed to be about deciding things together, and yet again, Gwen just goes off and does what she wants. *eyeroll*

I don't really get Paul's sudden obsession with Sophie. And why is there a "complete" nursery upstairs? But at least it makes sense that Sophie can easily move into Fairwinds...unlike the Hotel Snyder, which is housing half of Oakdale, it's easy to believe it has more than three or four bedrooms.

I thought Brad and Henry were pretty funny.

Emily is an evil beeeyotch. But that's okay, I don't really expect her to be anything else. It was nice to see the Stewart women all in one day.

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So, now poor, innocent, good, righteous Chris is EVUL Paul and Emily's victim? (I know Paul didn't plan on Em doing that, but he wanted her to do something)...

I'd complain more but...it did give me PEm scenes so...if they must be the villains to poor Chris (and Sofie likely lol)...I might be forced to live with it if it gives me scenes with them....that's how far my expectations have dropped lol

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Gawd do I hate Gwen! What a moron!! Seriously, Will should divorce her so fast. Barbara should have beyotch slapped her for giving up the baby. The show was just so so. The highlights were Barbara and Susan plus seeing hot Chris look drunk..wub...LOL.

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Paul shouldn't be anywhere near a baby... What's up with him and babies anyways? Every baby that has come into his contact has had some fate of being used for his own vengeful purpose...I don't see Sophie keeping that baby no more than Gwen...

I'm beyond tired of Gwen..I know she didn't want to separate the baby from it's natural mother, but come on; she didn't even talk it over with Will....all this time she talked about wanting a baby and now the minute she has what she wants she can't handle it.

Can someone tell me what in the hell Emily's purpose of drugging Chris is all about? Was it because she couldn't handle Chris possibly moving on to some young pop tart? Can't wait to see this blow up in her face.

I'm sorry but I can't stand Gray and don't see what's so HOT about him....Vienna ping ponging back and forth is getting annoying...She know she wants Henry but only is 'with' Gray for all that merchandise... He (Gray) and Matt need to get out of Oakdale... What's their purpose with Margo anyways?

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Yeah, it did make some sense....and that's saying a lot for the show lately. *rotflmao*

I don't consider this character assassination for Gwen. She's always done what she wanted to do.

And I find Will's speechifying about Paul being a bad brother hilarious. When's the last time Will talked to his brother, Parker???? I don't blame Will for being pissed, but Will has a habit of just hiding out and avoiding his family as much as possible.

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Thank you. Reading endless praise for Matt makes me want to hurl. He and Gray are just more in the long list of Passanante's diversions from the core families. They may have a connection to Margo for about 5 minutes, but ultimately she'll have little to do with her own story.

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