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Y&R Bells are back in charge!

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Characters are still too isolated, IMO. That really needs to be worked on. Why must Jill and Kay always be attached at the hip in every crumb of a story a writer tosses their way? Same for Jack/Phyllis/Sharon/Nick. It's tiring.

Colleen needs to be recast or written off for a while.

JT and Victoria are snoozeville. I really wouldn't mind losing both.

Diane and Nina need to return. If B&B won't use Ashley, then let her go back to Y&R.

I also am losing interest in Daniel and Kevin. Both are boring the crap out of me anymore. I also prefer the Amber of B&B days. She seems too watered down and annoying on Y&R. Swap out Amber for Ashley, IMO.

Recast Heather. The Heather/Paul story was such a waste because it was handled so badly, IMO. I also wouldn't be against Rebecca Staab coming back as April.

There's a lot of potential that the writers just aren't tapping into. And we need to get rid of the pods that Nick, Phyllis, Lauren and Brad have become.

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I am intrigued by Adam period. He's got some demons, for sure. I agree LML turned my dead Phick into pod people. I want that changed. They were much sexier, to me, after the affair when Kay was writing with LML. Once LML was on her own with them, things went downhill.

Phyllis needs to get her groove back. I want to see her do that with Nick.

Not sure about Cane and Lily. I am not convinced there is much there. But Cane is so hot, I will give them a little more time.

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Cane and Lily needs to end pronto, and I'd prefer the Cane thing undone and Cane written out......

Phick is Latham's toy..... and she played them to death. Time to move them apart. I never thought they had any chemistry at all.... they just make each other so boring and the characters relaly have no room for growth together.

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What the hack did was change Phyllis into someone she's not supposed to be. Never should Phyllis be a housewife baking cookies and knitting sweaters. She's a shark who can and will play with the big boys. LML IMO weakened Phyllis to be with Nick and that shouldn't have been the case. Matter of fact, LML weakened all of the women on the show and played up the men they were with. I still want to see Phyllis deal with all of her demons (her parents) from her past. I really think she needs to get to the point where she can tell them to go take a flying leap.

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Co-signing to this. I want Phick together and for Phyllis to get back to her bad self and tell Nick off when it's needed.

Amber is growing on me. Not sure how that happened but she is making me less ill than in the past.

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Daniel i am fine with, but Kevin is kinda just pointless now. He has no edge, nothing special, nothing to set him apart from any other dude thats just a dayplayer on Y&R aside from the fact that hes related to Michael and Gloria. I loved Amber on B&B, but i actually much prefer her now on Y&R. she has growen and has become much more mature in recent months, plus i think her daniel could be a great hot comedy couple.

I agree about heather/paul

i couldnt agree more about the pod people nick phyliss lauren and brad have become. and i would add jack to that list.

its w/ everything you said.

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