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Mario Van Peebles joins 'AMC'...

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Oh most are already saying he is just a plot point to reunite them.... I hope that isn't the case. It will all dpend on how the coupling is received by the general fanbase.... if its iffy, I am sure the network will bow to the Jerica fanbase and move this new character in the Angie/Jesse storyline.

Like I said, I sincerely hope not. Jack and Erica have been a total bust since they married in 2005.....

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ITA. Its funny how susan stopped getting noms when she was paired with jack(I know it also has to do with the writing/lack of front burner storyline), since I have been watching she has received noms along with the actor she was paired with, even chris. This pairing does nothing for susan lucci, its about time she was paired with a good actor. I'm sick of erica carrying the character of jack, he needs to get his own damn storyline and stop dragging erica down.

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ROFL.. :D She was nominated almost every year she was paired with Jack since 1989

and acutally only won the award ONCE and that was also when she was paired with him during the prison/anorexia story in98.. She wasn't nominated after her year with Hayward and that idiotic Phantom of the Opera story and

and wasn't with Scalia either I believe. She should have been nominated in 2004 for the work she did because she was great but she was passed over.

The material for her the last few years is the problem. The academy can't keep nominaing someone for lackluster stories about cheating or moving from one man to another. She needs something meaty, like breast cancer; menopause, or something far more interesting than a showgirl.

I think this is the plan too Angela.

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Well everyone I know disagrees with that. We all have our likes/dislikes and no matter what people want to believe, this couple is very, very popular and is going through one of their breakup periods like all couples do. As long as both actors are on the show they will continue to reunite, IMO.

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Yeah and I agree with that. Like I said, I suspect this is just a plot point to eventually reunite them anyway. I just want to see Erica mix it up with someone other than Jack for a while. Besides Zendal, Jerica has the biggest fan base I'd say in terms of AMC couples.

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