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Barack Obama Elected President!


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I can understand the thought process that results in believing that Barack Obama should work within the network to mend the rifts since it would benefit Hilary Clinton. What I don't understand and perhaps you can help me out with this is why the people who have been "damaged" (for lack of a better term) should fall into line because Barack Obama says they should? Sure he can pull out a party united against the Republicans speech but who is to say that some of those "damaged" people are seeing a difference between either party when it comes to feeling they've been snubbed.

The debate was probably a waste of time (at least it would have been for me). They've had too many of them and it sounds as if the only thing to come out of this one was that Hilary Clinton changed her tune on Barack Obama's "electability" and that she apologized for the Bosnia misinformation/lie. George S. loves the Clintons so I don't see how ABC doesn't just put a little biased flag pin on him and to spend 45-52 minutes talking about the same thing that the media has dragged out for weeks is not at all beneficial to Democrats. It's a reminder of how long this has gone on.

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Polls...they don't mean crap.

McCain is facing TWO Dems right now..and they is in the lead? Or close? Of course.

Wait until the Dems settle their cat fight and then the polls will be a better indicator.

There are too many hurt feelings and scratches on the Dem side right now for polls to really matter.

Wait til McCain and ...whomever do battle.

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Even though the Democrats appear to be kind of a muddled mess right now, I believe they're savvy enough to know better than placing them both on the same ticket.

The notion that the people that support one of the other will all be cool with them on the same ticket is just that.

There are people that are voting against him because he's black and there are people that are voting against her because she's a woman and if you have both of them on the same ticket then it makes it a whole lot easier for people those people to vote for John McCain . Ideally people should be looking at issues but realistically some people don't and that's life.

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I keep re-reading this knowing I should slap myself for even asking, but what questions is he avoiding? If you're referring to the debate then I didn't watch it and I guess I've missed out on the other instances where he's avoided answering as well.

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I think both of them (Hillary and Obama) are great at winning people over to their base and also quite persuasive as to why a united ticket with both of them is great for America and the Democrat party. What I see Obama doing is discussing to his African American base all of the great things Billary did for the black community and what she will continue to do for them as either VP or president. I am sure she has some great ideas on how to push forward civil rights for all minorities with the biggest focus being on the black community since they suffered the most oppression and, to this day, go through the biggest prejudice and racism from others (that is just how I see it)

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