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Barack Obama Elected President!


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I didn't mean to imply you were generalizing, but I'm getting the impression from your posts on this topic that you are basing the fact that your high school teachers were "fine;" therefore, it must be the students and parents. Surely blame is to be dealt all the way around, but define "fine."

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Ahh, but Roman... we may learn some new things about Clinton's reign of prosperity. There are whispers that somewhere in the Clinton era are roots to the current mortgage and loan crisis. I have learned that it was during Clinton's rule that certain regulations were relaxed to encourage home ownership by those who ordinarily wouldn't qualify. Of course, "record home ownership" makes a President look good, you see, so Bush foolishly carried on with certain policies Clinton initiated... and now we're all paying the price.

I haven't done any hardcore research on this, but I suspect we'll learn something more soon about this, especially with the blame game flaring up over all of this in Washington.

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The department of labor is saying that the unemployment in 2001 was 4.7. And that in 2007 that number is 4.6. That's hardly higher by far. And the number has only risen this year. The highest it has been in the Bush years (2008 not included) was in 2003, which was 6.0.

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I'm saying that it is the easy way out to blaim teachers. Parents don't want to take responsibilty for what they aren't doing.

IMO, blaiming teachers is like suing doctors for mal-practice. WAY too widespread. There are legitimate cases where teachers are horrible and kids do suffer. But they're being made into the scape-goat no matter what the actual situation is.

Ok....2003 was 6%. We're at 5.7% now. Do you think it's going to go down from here?

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Clinton's "Community Reinvestment Act"---Subprime Mortgage Crisis

The Democrats, under Clinton, strengthened a government-created monster called the "Community Reinvestment Act." This law was then used by "activists" and "community organizers" (like Obama?) to coerce lending institutions to make these bad loans ... millions of them.

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Why is he Barry H. now? Where has the H. come from?

And for that matter, you've been calling him Barry all through this thread; it's condescending. Would you mind if we called your guy Johnny? Or your veep contender Sarah Louise? I wouldn't dare do that, because I am not familiar enough with the man nor woman to address him or her as such. I would hope that you could afford the other side the same amount of respect. NO ONE, in this entire campaign season, that I have heard from has addressed Barack Obama as Barry but you. It's not funny nor cute. I respectfully ask that you cease this tactic within this thread.

P.S. and a snide "BaRACK Obama" would not suffice either.

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I dunno, Redd... Things haven't collapsed. Think about it... we've been treading on shaky ground since 9/11. We haven't exactly become a third world country in the 7 years since... the stock market actually rallied today, despite the disastrous week. By defining the economy as strong, I would say that this suggests it has weathered a LOT OF CRAP for a good long while now and people are actually debating whether or not we're really in a recession.

I think that speaks volumes about the strength and hardiness of our economy. It's diversified investments, I tell ya.... that's it! LOL...

I would call the economy dangerously soft... I do know people who have been laid off from jobs. The derailed real estate market... the mortgage and loan disaster... These things breaking now have nothing to do with Bush's economic policies. He didn't qualify people for loans that shouldn't have so much as set foot in the lender's office... greedy realtors, etc. drove the housing boom that has went bust.

I dunno... I'm not a huge W supporter by any stretch. I'm angry at him... disappointed... but I don't blame him for what's going on right now financially...

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I'm also kind of put off by this. And the H is implying Hussein. Are we STILL trying to connect him to the muslim religion?

I would read nothing into what the market did today, as many financial experts have talked about. The market has done this a lot, dropping big time, and then rallying, only to drop again.

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