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Barack Obama Elected President!


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As an AA woman I would say sexism/racism for me is neck and neck. The racism I face sadly is from black people that think that I am not black enough because I talk "too" proper. An the sexism I face is from my own church in the belief that the man should lead the household, which I don't agree with, it should be equal.

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Well you're in a better place in terms of the neck and neck thing. I do not personally know anyone who put them on equal footing. I do have a couple of friends that have had your experience with the not being black enough or being accused of thinking they're not black thing because they use correct grammar.

If I go by what you're saying about the church then I'd have to see that as a biblical thing. A lot of people disagree with the Bible. That's all a matter of personal choice when it comes to religion. Do you follow the Bible or do you pick and choose what works for you? I would guess that people are more prone to picking and choosing what works for them and ignoring what doesn't.

I know mothers who've raised sons and live with the fear that their son could one day get stopped by the police just because he is black and for no other reason. I've seen a couple of black guys get stopped by the police while walking down the road. Their heads were slammed against the hood of the police car after they were in handcuffs and then they were let go. Sometimes I'm not sure what constitutes a hard life or a bad day. Is it when you stain your favorite pair of shoes or is it when you lose a friend? Two different people may feel the same way about those two things. Life is funny that way.

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My question was meant to be general and not directed to you but since you answered, maybe one day you'll find a church that's more in tune with your personal beliefs.

McCain ought to gain a lot more attention from the media now.

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I wanted to come back and thank you for bringing this up because it made me think a bit about what I believe racism is and on my first read I thought this was interesting since I never saw it referred to as such. I've never even seen light vs. dark referred to as racism either. I know there's some discrimination in there but I've always looked at it as sheer ignorance.

I don't know why people define black as being something other than related to skin color. I guess people don't make a distinction between race, ethnicity and culture when it comes to that. And I suppose some black people have allowed the media and society to define and limit them and how they see themselves to the point where their reality is too limited to recognize that everyone is not cut from the same cloth. Too many little girls are damaged by this in terms of their self esteem among other things.

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If Barack Obama really gets to make his own choice about his running mate then I find it curious that HC supporters appear on tv plugging her for VP and then adding that it's his choice. I would think that if they truly aren't trying to back him into a corner that they would say it's his choice as his supporters say and leave it at that. I have to applaud Kay Bailey Hutchinson for not going that route, as other Republicans have, and expressing that Obama has other good options.

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I watched MTP this afternoon, and the subject of Bill Clinton came up. What was said on there was the he has alot of anger towards the Obama campaign because he feels they made him out to be whatever he came off to the AA community.

I sat there and then immediately thought this......when is this man going to take responsibility for his actions? It seems to be, even when I had spent the 8 years of his presidency defending him, that he just seems to refuse to take personal responsibility for his actions. When he does it.......it's tough politics. When someone else does it, it's unfair.

This is one person who BO does not need in his campaign, if this is his attitude. HRC gave a good speech, and I applud her for it. But, for me, I just can't stand up, say "Well......all is forgotten!" and then hold hands and sing. She has to prove by her actions and words that she wants a Democrat, regardless of who it is, in the WH. One speech does not do that for me. Sorry.

So.......we'll see where this month and next month take us. :)

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^^^Roman we are talking about a man that didn't want to admit he was getting blow jobs in the oval office. BC is beyond ridiculous and I really think hillary should divorce him. Its sad because I really used to admire him, now he has screwed HC twice, I don't understand why hillary puts up with him??? I liked the speech but I said even before the speech HC should be obama's vp. Who do you like as BO's vp?

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Well, I see three people.

Ted Strickland, Bill Richardson or Joe Biden. TS is a good turk that would compliment BO well. BR would help with the Hispanic community......not with just getting elected, but to really bridge the divide between them and AAs. And JB is just a old school attack dog. He would make John McCain really take notice.

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I saw most of MTP and Chuck Todd is correct about the media's fascination with Bill Clinton. I don't think saying Obama played the race card on him is the road to unity. Nobody would have been able to play anything on him if he had better control over himself. He chose the fairytale reference, the Jesse Jackson SC reference and the black candidate reference all on his own. His message was pretty clear. If he's going back to Harlem to try to fix some things then playing the blame game isn't going to help.

I happen to think at this point that the Clintons are in that phase of their marriage where if they are friends and respect each other and they still have their mutual interests whether it be political, then there isn't any reason to end it but that's a really personal matter. I think they've reaped many benefits from their partnership and perhaps many heartaches as well but he did not cost her the nomination. He helped her in many ways but the negative got the biggest play. She said things that were more of a problem for her than anything he ever said and they both suffer from the inability to assume full responsibility for their actions.

Zbigniew Brzezinski's comments about not taking HC for VP because the Clintons would set up shop and run a government in exile was pretty funny to me.

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Hillary Rodham Clinton is THE best choice and THE SMART choice. With her on the ticket, Obama is quite unbeatable. I've never heard of Ted Strickland. Bill Richardson is just too blah for me. Now Joe Biden, I really like him, and he'd be my 2nd choice for VP. I wish he had gotten further in the campaign----he, Hillary and Barack were always my 3 favorites. I also like Evan Bayh.

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Opinion...not fact. And I think her behavior has shown she's not a team player. She's not someone who could handle playing 2nd fiddle. And most important she's proven herself to be a divisive person.

Her on the ticket would be a SLAP in the face to me and millions of Obama supporters who are tired of the old type of politics and want some real change in this country. It would be hypocritical and extreme flip flopping if Obama chose her.

But even besides that the people trying to FORCE him to choose her are small when compared to the amount of Independents and Republicans who hate her. If it comes down to deciding between Hilary's pissed off consortium of poor uneducated people and pissed of feminists vs independents I'll pick the former. Bottom line is that the majority of them only voted for her because they're scared of the educated black man with the Islamic sounding name who oddly had 2 Christian pastors in his past...or they simply think Hilary was the last chance to see a female elected president (which I don't believe is the case).

If her supporters want to vote McCain so be it. That would be the ultimate sign of their hypocrisy and stupidity. Not to mention it would reveal the real reason why they supported her in the first place. However I won't be disappointed in Obama and I'll blame HRC for creating the situation in the first place.

Meanwhile enjoy 4 more years of McBush. Rising gas prices, rising prices on everything. Even worse economy and probably a new front on the Global "War" on Terrorism....

Sounds like fun to me...

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