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B&B: Leslie- Anne Down should have been offended to play Jack Wagners mother

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I have said it many times but who made Lesley- Anne Down play Jack Wagners mother, she is born in 1954 and he is born in 1959, 5 years difference, and actually She looks younger than him, he is starting to grow old, i mean it, he looked rather handsome on Melrose Place, but now, he is actually starting to look older than his so called mother. They could play Husband and Wife, but Mother and son, so wrong. He could play her father, that would be fun to see....!!!!

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Well Offcourse she has had Plastic Surgery, but still she looks younger than him, offcourse she should be happoy that she a work, as she is not the greatest actress, she gives away to much of a nervous side on acting,....

Jack should play her father!!!!....

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Lesley Anne Down has stated, repeatedly, that she has not had plastic surgery. Instead, she says that she has had everything else her dermatologist could offer her, including Botox to which she responded "Bloody Hell Yes!"

Jack Wagner is one of those guys who got too much sun and it's catching up with him now.

And yes, the way LAD carries herself, plus her English accent, does make her seem older than him. Whatever. I'm just happy to see an actress 50+ who actually gets to do something on a soap.

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Strictly speaking Botox, Collagen Injections and Facial Fillers (all of which I'm certain LAD has had) are not considered plastic surgery. Rather, they are considered to be parts of cosmetic dermatology.

Plastic Surgery involves knives, anesthesia and cutting.

Frankly, LAD has been so honest over the years about using Botox and Intense Pulsed Light and other things that I think if she had already had plastic surgery she would have said it...after all, she looks fabulous so she's got nothing to hide.

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I sort of agree....Jackie's never been written for properly and so she sort of seems like a character who had her chance and is over. I'm a fan of LAD though so I wouldn't be happy to see her go. I think, if written for, Jackie Marone could take the place of the lead B story which Darlene Conley so memorably and admirably filled for nearly 20 years.

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