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Days: Wednesday 1/2

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I enjoyed today's show! I can't believe that Belle told Shawn about the affair so soon. Didn't it happen like 2months ago? I guess I am not used to things coming out this quickly on Days. I loved JER back in the day but it would take forever for anything to come out and when something did come out in only came out in bits and pieces during sweep months (of course after months of daydream fakeouts or every other episode and someone almost hearing the secret spoken out loud when they walked into a room and saying "what did you just say?" )

Anyway, I do applaud Belle for her honesty but I also applaud Shawn for his reaction. Enough is enough. She needs to move on with Phillip so that I can hopefully see some Shawn/Chloe love scenes in the future.

Marlena is definitely being manipulated by Crystal. Marlena wants to believe her because of her feelings for John but I am glad they aren't writing Marlena like a complete do-do head. She is still suspicious and cautious despite her feelings. However she still has her WTH moments. Did you see how Hope and Bo looked when she was talking about John insisting on her going to Chez Rouge? lol anyway, this Crystal person is intriguing and I hope we find out who she is working for pretty soon.

The writers need to find something to do with Steve and Kayla. Since the island storyline, they have been pretty much at a standstill. This fertility storyline coming up sounds like a real snoozefest!

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I enjoyed today's show. I was happy to see Shawn stand his ground with Belle and not cave to her crocodile tears and pleading.

Steve and Kayla were cute, I love them together. I just love how Days brought today's show together and it being all about new beginnings for a new year. Shawn's at the crossroads now, Steve and Kayla looking ahead at their future, Marlena wanting to pull her family together, and Bo and Hope wanting happiness for themselves and their kids.

It was a really great show.


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What a way to start 2008. SUPERB episode. I shouldn't be surprised since the show excels with these types of episodes under Ed Scott and with Foster directing they always seem to be masterpieces.

Loved how Steve/Kayla/Marlena/Bo/Hope were basically the whole first half of the show. Those early segments were long and enjoyable. Just them all sitting around like normal people and all the playful banter and toasting...that is Days to me. Supercouple interaction and good writing all mixed with fun and story movement. Nice seeing Maggie too. Steve and Kayla were so great today and Steve is just so much fun. SN and MBE looks so happy right now and I liked the fertility dance :lol: . Dee looked great, everyone did. I love the way Dee played Marlena in the beginning and how she talked to John's picture, knowing he was sending her a message. The Bo/Roman banter in the beginning was good too. All the couple scenes were and everyone was in their element. Loved Marlena thinking of John and seeing other men and thinking they were John.

This episode was so Marlena-centric. She was all over the place. From home to the party to going after Crystal (Ashlee was much better today and good scenes, especially with Bo, hope, Steve, and Kayla coming out and suspicious) to going to the station to see Roman and attacking Chloe (good scenes) and then to comforting Belle at the end. Wow.

Philip and Chloe were great. Loved the way the scene played out. Good stuff and I thought I flashbacked to 2000-2001 during that montage when Philip and Chloe were smiling at each other. Wow...they looked like the Phloe of old there with Philip all happy to be with her. I think Chloe realized what she agreed to at the end as well and that smirk was great. Philip thinks he has won and I love it. I am loving Chloe and her story and interaction with Marlena. It's much better seeing different interactions and it makes Chloe better as a character.

Martha Madison was superb today and kudos to Beemer who didn't overact. I could see pain in Shawn's eyes and it was a reserved reaction but a normal reaction because, really, deep down, I don't think he was surprised. Good scenes and writing. Good to see Shawn has grown as a character and I think he will continue to and so will Belle. Loved Belle going to her mother and Shawn going to his parents. The reveal lived up to the hype for me.

The end montage was great with everyone celebrating and kissing, confetti in slow motion (starting before the commercial no less, couples kissing, Marlena watching over Belle and looking out on the balcony as Auld Lang Syne played in the background and then silence when Marlena made the promise to John's picture before the song began to play again. Awesome. Great ending and seeing so much Marlena was great.

2008 is off to a fine start!

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Brilliant Episode..Its such a pleasure when a gem like today comes along..I hope to have many more with Ed Scott and Kathryn Foster around...Opening with Marlena, Bo, Hope, Steve and Kayla was a very smart idea..I thought it signified to fans tuning in that 2008 will be the year of these vets..and also showcasing Shawn, Belle, Chloe, and Phillip was a great example of the younger generation turning in some powerful performances..I'm really ready for 2008 to focus on these characters and love that they were all mentioned in the big February story..

Martha and Brandon rocked today, but gave great performances..I was especially impressed with Brandon..I felt so bad for Shawn having to act all happy at the end with his parents, when he knows his world is about to fall apart...Belle getting comforted by Marlena was a very sweet and realistic..

Speaking of realistic...i loved the banter between Roman and Bo (cinderella and the ball)...and i liked Hope telling Bo she would be driving as he had drank to much, and Bo said "you've been driving all night" (that was just too cute)..

I also really liked Bo, Hope, Marlena, Kayla and Steve all interacting and everyone being there for Marlena..Steve dipping her and kissing her on each check was nice..I really hope that with equal airtime and scenes like this, we can see an end to the supercouple fanwares that plagued the show last year..

And finally Crystal was very mysterious today, loved her scenes with Marlena..I'm very intrigued with this story..As well as Chloe's story..I'm loving Nadia this time around..

I might just buy todays episode on Itunes..to show how much i enjoyed it..

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Ah, Kev, not so fast... I think Phillip/Belle/Shawn/Chloe will ignite a few wars on boards, with your Shelle/Phloe/Shloe/Phelle contingents going at it... :lol:

Now on to today's episode. GREAT job. Good interaction between all of the vets and the younger characters, which reminded me of how Ed did Y&R so perfectly.

Marlena has been so good in these episodes. Now that we know what's coming, which I don't want to spoil for the unspoiled, I hope DH still gets some good stuff to play.

As long as Shelle eventually finds their way back together, give it six months or a year or whatever, I applaud the story. Much as I'm a Shelle fan, Belle had this coming. Martha and Brandon played it perfectly.

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I'm loving this quad!! There's real emotion and history and nobody's perfect in this storyline. Also, nobody's being destroyed or propped in favor of one character over another. I'm glad Hogan's able to write a enjoyble quad to watch unlike some Luza with an agenda.

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I too LOVED this episode. The interaction amongst the vets was fantastic. Everything about their interaction was so real and to form of how they used to be in the past. Belle and Shawn were great! They are being written so realistically. Martha Madison was just ripping my heart out wiwth her tears and rying, pleading for Shawn to forgive her and work this out. It was so real and raww emotion. I loved it. Philip and Chloe were great today as well. I like how Philip is being written, really making him the son of Victor right now. But I agree with the person who said that when they were smiling at each other...it really made you remember when they were in love. Crystal was very mysterious today. I could just go on and on. This is EPISODE was TERRIFIC! And the best part that just captured me and took me in was the montage to Auld Lang Syne! Wasn't it just beautiful?

The episode just got me ready for this year of storytelling and hoping that it continues to thrive and Days kicks butt strong thisyear letting NBC know that it is still a powerhouse and deserves to stay on for many many years. I wish that the execs at NBC would just take the time and reinvest into their daytime just like they do with their primetime. NBC KEEP DAYS OF OUR LIVES, BRING BACK ANOTHER WORLD, BRING BACK ANOTHER SOAP FAVORITE LIKE SANTAN BARBARA, AND CREATE A NEW SOAP OR AGAIN DIG BACK AND PULL OUT ANOTHER SOAP CLASSIC THAT YOU CAN REVITALIZE AND ROCK DAYTIME AGAIN!

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I just watched today's show on SOAPnet, and it was gorgeous! Delicious from start to finish.

I loved the 'look' of the show. Very classy. I love it when not all the characters for the episode are shown in the first segment alone, because it's nice to get a surprise in the second or third segment when a character pops up that you didn't expect to see. More importantly, it forces the viewers to watch the episode from start to finish, for fear that something or someone might pop up later despite the fact that they weren't in the first segment.

Martha Madison KILLED today! She's the best crier on this show. She and Deidre Hall = magic. They're the best criers on the show, so believeable as mother and daughter. I was disappointed in Brandon Beemer, though. I wanted him to show some fire. As much as Belle's confession has been built towards, I was expecting something more emotionally explosive. I can appreciate his reserved approach to the scenes, though.

I love Marlena! I ache for her to find John again. At the end, when she was looking out the window from the balcony as "Auld Lang Syne" played, I literally shouted "He's alive! You'll find him soon!" LoL One problem, though... Marlena's dress was hideous. It didn't fit right, and the big flowers on the shoulder straps were such a distraction. OH! OH! Who else (besides me) loved Marlena grabbing Chloe by the arm and whipping her around in the police station? GOO MARLENA!

Steve and Kayla are cute, but they really need something to do besides kiss and suck face everytime we see them. I enjoyed their cute fertility dance, though. It's the little things like this that take what could be just an ordinary, filler scene and turns it into something memorable and fun. Kudos to the writers for small touches like this.

This mystery with Brady is really heating up into something major. I wasn't expecting it to be something that was played frontburner, but it really is becoming just that. Somehow, Brady's disappearance links back to Belle (with the kidnappers stealing a photo of Belle), Crystal, John, and obviously Stefano (big surprise, eh?). I'm wondering how it all ties together and why. This is a mystery that I'm GENUINELY intrigued by.

Loved the countdown to midnight, and the confetti falling in slow motion. The montage at the end was beautiful. I loved the lighting when Marlena shut off the lamp and was watching over Belle on the sofa. Gorgeous, gorgeous lighting.

Tomorrow looks like we're back to the Sami/Lucas/EJ bull. Gag me. Oh well. Today was great! With the Y&R folks onboard, they're really bringing their class over and putting the episodes together as these wonderful packages. Everything from the musical cues to the lighting to the way the camera maneuvers around the set is like a beautiful dance, and it really causes the show to leap off the screen and grab your attention. It's no longer just actors standing in front of a camera. It's a PRODUCTION. I love it!

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I was going to write some long-ass post about the total gorgeoussity that was yesterday's episode.

Then I read all your posts and realized that y'all had put into words my exact feelings on how great Days has been. It just makes me SOOOOOOO excited for 2008. Word word WORD especially to LoveDays' and Kennylicious's posts.

Ed Scott and the Y&R team have done so much to make Days look like a soap to be proud of again. Without making it a Y&R knock-off. In improving the acting and the production values, they have brought out the best of Days -- distilling what Days used to be (and is again) about.

My new year's wish is that the soaps go on a creative upswing. Man, I *so* wish that Days' remarkable comeback would be reflected in the ratings and signify a turnaround for NBC Daytime. I would love two new soaps back on the peacock network. Whether it is a return to Another World or Santa Barbara or Sunset Beach -- or even a new show. A real, well-written soap that would complement and contrast with Days. But at the moment I would just settle for DOOL's contract renewal. :lol:

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i just dont get patch & kayla. are they suposed to be cute? funny? romantic? i dont see it. i just dont. i love MBE tho and she always rocks no matter what role she is in.

yesterdays show was a great eppy. I loved marlena & belle being together, philip & chole stuff, and somehow i even liked bo & hopeless scenes.

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