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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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I didn't tape the end credits today. Who was credited as remote sequence director? Morina? Stich? Both?

She seems to be heavily involved whenever Kay or Victor's stories are playing. I'm not surprised since she has the most history with the show.

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Indeed! After the ATROCITY of FORGETTING Victor's vasectomy, this level of quality control is needed. I am delighted. For example, today when praying to her saint, Eileen Davidson ROCKED when she remembered that he was the patron of BOTH "dead babies" and "the falsely accused". The script and the actress played the back-story of the abortion that changed her life. THAT is why you need a historian.

Since the lack of a consistent "voice", the lack of day-to-day consistency, and the lack of honoring history/character were all decried in the LML regime...can there EVER be too much quality control. Kudos to Y&R for investing the extra $$ to produce a better written and more consistent show.

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We all saw some actual scenes, and then we also saw some establishment shots/random Paris scenery/backdrops for green screens.

I'm guessing Stich directed the actual scenes with actors, while Morina went out and shot the general scenery.

That's actually pretty efficient, and I'm not really aware of soaps having done "second units" before. Is this common?

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Second Unit surprised me too, but once I thought about it, it makes sense. You wonder how they can pull off a location shoot on a shoestring budget, but there it is - you can shoot twice the footage in the same amount of time, and save money. The directors get paid per episode, so they can just shoot the footage for two episodes simultaneously.

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same thing happened during B&B's Portofino remote if I remember correctly. Stich did the actual remote scenes and Jennifer Howard did the scenery shots. Interesting to see him credited as Michael S. Stich, for the first time ever.

I'm curious about the rest of the Parisian shoot...

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Portofino was amazing. The ultimate template for what a remote should be.

Sydney, on the other hand.... (They did a lot of that scenery remote stuff there too...not very interesting).

I wish CBS would promote the heck out of this remote, but they are not.

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