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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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And? maybe a clue toward type of position or show or something?

Suddenly, I wondered if this item and the above item were connected? If so...I'm kind of dying for an item like "LML replaces Esser at B&B" or "McTavish replaces Esser at B&B" :-)

Now Toups is the balloon popper :)

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Even though I get your point, I am astounded.

If you JUST had a major conflagration (that may even have hurt your show renewal prospects) because you did not properly structure the lines of authority in your writing and production teams....WHY WOULD YOU turn right around and keep the structure the same??

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Will they replace her? She wrote a fair share of scripts, but they still have Jack Smith, Tracy Ann Kelley and Patrick Mulcahey still around, and Adam Dusevoir and Shannon Bradley wrote a few recently. Or would you consider Dusevoir and/or Bradley as replacements since thus far they have only written a few shows each to date?

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I think some things were definitely noticeable on Friday's episode. I've noticed that the lighting is considerably brighter under Tomlin, though not too bright. Also, though Scott took away that hideous orange tint Wyman had going, IMO he added a subtle pink tint to the show that annoyed me. I also hated the way Scott lit the Brady pub, I think the lighting for the Brady pub was much better today. There's also some subtle differences in camera shots, but that could be me. Nothing drastic, but I can definitely tell Scott isn't there, and the changes so far appear to be subtle.

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Spaz down, already.

I'm serious. His was the first name I noticed on the list (because it's first, obviously) and wonder if he's the John Bowman that co-created the Martin Lawrence FOX 1992-1997 sitcom Martin. I've been watching my Martin show DVDs recently that I bought this past spring so naturally I've been seeing his name a lot.

Get over yourself. Or should I cheaply say, get over yoursylph. <_<

ETA: Nevermind, I saw the second quote was also a quote of mine -- from 2 months ago. Pettiness now understood. Carry on.

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