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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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Slyph, how positively Toups-like to drop a bomb like that and then hint that "you can't tell." If it has a thing to do with AMC you better run-come-tell.

Felix, I don't know on all soaps, but on AMC, they first have

Esensten/Brown (Head Writers)


Addie Walsh

Amanda Beall (co-HW; in the case of Beall, not for long)

big space

Jeff Beldner (script editor)


(Today's script writer)

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Slightly off topic with Slyph/Sylph, but on topic with writers and directors, looking at the pics I posted earlier today I am slightly surprised by what an apparent "Leather Daddy" Patrick Mulcahey is. He looks like he lives life to the fullest...I guess that is part of what fuels his dialogue.

ETA: But I guess TVGuide.ca already showed him to us once before:


ETA2: There were pictures of him with longer hair at that one long interview he did, which is linked at Wikipedia. I love that piece.

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ACK! Sorry, Sylph. Typo on my part. (where is the embarassed smiley?)

First you told us you were bloody-rigid bored with Y&R talk and asked Toups if he had any AMC or GH news. Then, very Hitchcock-like, you come in and plant the bomb under the table with the above quote. Now the suspense is killing me!


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Hey Felix, here's how it works for all shows.

DAYS - the script writer is the last name listed and it's after the '&' sign

GH - the script writer is the name above Elizabeth Korte (if there's no name above Korte, it means Korte wrote the script)

OLTL - the script writer is the name above Carolyn Culliton (if there's no name above Culliton, it means Culliton wrote the script)

AMC - the script writer is the name that's by itself (the name that's after Addie Walsh/Amanda L. Beall/Jeff Beldner)

ATWT - the script writer is the last writer listed

GL - they don't list episode writers

B&B - the script writer is the last writer listed

Y&R - this is the most confusing one. LOL The names after Scott Hamner/Jeff Gottsfeld & Cherie Bennett/Natalie Minardi are the breakdown writer and the script writer. The BDW is listed above the SW. But sometimes there is only one writer listed - if it is, it's usually the SW, but sometimes it's the BDW. You just have to know who's writing breakdowns/scripts.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. :)

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Have there been any further rumblings as to who else might be joining AMC? I believe it was rain1 who stated there was another writer set to cross over from GH. Any idea as to who that might be? Also, is Cinquemani out at AMC? I notice his name is missing from your master list.

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Alvin, you're so right.

Conforti and Wolf fight for Lucky, so I do like that. None of this Jason-as-the-hero-everytime thing. I like that.

I dunno how I feel about the way they write for women. Wolf doesn't seem to understand Robin or Alexis IMO.

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Toups, here is my new theory about Y&R.

We learned from Thom Racina that Hamner is working as some kind of "script coordinator". So, he must take the long-term story, episode thrusts from MAB and divvy them up among BD/SW teams, and coordinate their completion, etc.

Then Gottesfeld/Bennett do the breakdown (at least they did today).

The Minardi, I think, is the script editor. Could this be right? She was Kay Alden's groomed successor (that picture of the two of them together in Chicago--which I posted today--sort of confirms that to me). I think Minardi has been playing that role.

So, could it be that Y&R simply has more differentiated roles? Script coordinator, breakdown, and script editor?

I know nothing about this stuff, so forgive me if my naivete is showing.

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I don't think Natalie has edited in awhile, I thought Gottesfeld/Bennett edited scrips and did breakdowns. However, now Beth Milstein has taken over as the script editor.

What does Natalie really do as AHW then? She's the most senior person on that team, maybe she's used for continuity and other errors?

Also, with Gottesfeld/Bennett demoted and fired, will Y&R get another AHW in their place?

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See, here is where my ignorance comes in. Because when you say Minardi is "used for continuity and other errors", that sounds like script editing to me. What do real script editors do, then?

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