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AMC: Monday

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I loved Adam calling Tad out! Go Adam. I know it is about Kate and yes I want the reunion but Tad is being such an idiot I almost want Adam to keep the secret.

Tad is a hypocritical idiot!

Julia and Erica was funny when Erica laughed at the notion of Jack and Julia together. Erica better get used to seeing them with one another.

Poor Kendall being thrown under the bus again. I guess since there isn't any deafness to blame greens on anymore..... she is absolved of all blame and Kendal, Ryan and Zach are the ones at fault.

I just love forced agendas don't you? :rolleyes:

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Seriously folks, this is nothing new that is happening. For the past 4 years almost Kendall has been sacrificed so many times for the character of Greenlee. It was always evil Kendall. ALWAYS! And they continue to do it. When Ryan and Greens hooked up, when Kendall chose her own egg just so Greens could still have her baby. And now because Kendall was lead to believe that Greens caused the deafness.... and she wanted revenge.... but because Joe says it wasn't her fault all of the sudden Kendall is the big bad wolf again.

I am so sick of it.

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Ryan's World

He proclaims on today's show that Zach would move heaven and earth in this world to help come back to Kendall and, for once, he does not talk about his world! Well, you know, in Ryan's world we see a lot of slaves making Dynamite Kiddo comic books but what good are they when the moron cannot even read on his own...then you got those who are there to worship him and sing his praises as if he is even more perfect than Christ himself. Sheesh I just wonder who, in Ryan's world, he has seen and been best friends with, right? Perhaps he and Monica Lewinsky not only are on friendly terms but he is also so well known to her that she jumped him the way she did those jumping jacks in The White House? Heck why not say that Juanita Broderick is someone who ferret face just loves? Oh oops wait a second! she falsely accused Slick Willie of rape and ryan has already had that happen to him with Kit FIsher so forget good ole Juanita. Yep Ryan's world is such a great one that we should all live...you know, the kind where you just pretty much blackmail an old man on his death bed into giving up all his lavish luxuries to you and, by some miracle, you do not run them into the ground faster than Clarence gets his wings by helping out George of Bedford Falls! Good lord does this show love to be on pimping overload when it comes to his holiness? I swear, it is like he solved the Da Vinci Code or managed to work out the rubik's cube and he is the messiah to all of these beloved little creatures known as Pine Valley-ites. Wait they did not change the name of the town to pimp and prop his holiness even more? I tell you it is a scandal! Shame on them for even dreading to not even try and make a change. Heck they can call it Laveryville, Ryan's Valley, Ferret Face Kitchen, Doodle Idiot City, H#ll Is Here Town, and so much more. Heck they can do a whole lot of things when it comes to Ryan's world!

Hey Greenlee I have a joke for you

An Israeli doctor says "Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work in six weeks."

A German doctor says "That is nothing, we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four weeks.

A Russian doctor says "In my country, medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in two weeks."

The Texas doctor, not to be outdone, says "You guys are way behind, we recently took a man with no brain out of Texas, put him in the White House for four years, and now half the country is looking for work."

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Lily/Kathy/Julia/Erica --- all that was great.

Tad/Adam - Good.

Kendall/Aiden/Zach/Greenlee - SHITASTIC!

I can't believe that Kendall and Aiden are going to have sex. That is just the most ridiculous, contrived BS. Such a complete slap in the face to Zendall fans (although sometimes they deserve a little slap! haha)...but seriously - why go this route? The timing and pacing of this entire storyline is sooooo off with Spike's sugery and Ian's going home and Thanksgiving/Christmas. It's horrible. And Ryan mentioned they've been gone a month - how can they survive a full month on no food and barely any water - a snakebite - and just overall still have the energy to whine and walk around? This is STUPID.

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^^ I think it would have made more sense to have Kendall sleep with Ryan. That also would have served to start the destruction of Ryannie that seems inevitable. Still, I have no problem believing that Kendall would jump into bed with someone to make herself feel better. Aiden just happens to be the closest warm body.

I don't see how Kendall is going under the bus. She may have been wrong about Greenlee being the cause of Spike's deafness, but Ian was still born prematurely because Kendall was under stress. If anyone was thrown under the bus it was Greens. She hurt two kids. If that's not taking a huge hit on a show still watched mostly by mothers, nothing is. Although, I really don't have a problem with my favs taking hits now and again. How can there be drama if people aren't doing outrageous stuff?

I hate that KWAK is going back to Adam so soon. Now there was a case of abuse. I think the man who leaves a woman on the floor while she's in labor needs to get help before she goes running back to him. I like them together, but it should have taken MUCH longer. If they can make people wait a year for Tad to kind out Kathy is Kate than then they could wait that long for Krystal and Adam to get back together.

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