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GH: Week of Nov 26th

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Discuss the drama & goings on in Port Charles this week...

I couldnt find the Promo Video on youtube for this week. sorry. but in its place is this amazing video great for the LOLZ of Maxie Jones' One Liners-

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poor Lucky. He's only now finding out about Emily. He's the first person who's pain I actually have felt for since she croaked

Love Sam being there to support Nikolas. I always enjoy their scenes

Thank god Lulu is finally leaving the killer's home. She never belonged there

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Didnt take Elizabeth long either. Not too long ago she was staying away from Jason bc his life posed a danger to her kids but now that Emily has been murdered and they suspect it was mob related, Jason is free into her home and allwoed to associate with her children. Have to roll my eyes there

As far as Michael goes, at least Morgan is still a sweet kid so theres still hope for him. But with parents like Sonny and Carly, who knows how long that will last

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Wow......Michael has never looked more demonic than he did today. Great teachings right there Sonny, Carly & Jason. That pre-teen believes the way to solve problems is to kill people who hurt you.

Elizabeth? :rolleyes: What can I say. She's a freakin hypocrite, but so is everyone in town. I enjoyed her today. It was nice seeing her in scenes with Jason and the kids, as well as the scenes with Lucky. I still dislike her, but I enjoy her more when she isn't acting all holier than thou.

I felt really, really bad for Lucky. Sam can FOAD already. She tried being nice, but oh no, she just had to get in a jab at Elizabeth. Bitch is the pot calling the kettle black. She, Carly, Elizabeth and Emily are all peas in a pod.

Saw the previews....GO Monica! You tell Sonny. How dare he even show up at your damn house. He has systematically destroyed your entire family. He has taken all of your children (minus Dawn, but if he had the chance he would have). ROT IN HELL SONNY!!

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There's something about the way that Enily's death is playing out that makes none of the characters seem sympathetic to me. The characters that would be the most moving (Monica, Edward, and Ned) aren't getting the attention. Nikolas is some kind of broken record and except for a moment here and there, he's mostly "tune out" material.

I don't mind dazed and confused Jason but his co-martyr's constant babbling about what Emily would want is already wearing thin. Too bad the writers can't just have her own her feelings and choices instead of laying it all on the dead.

At first I thought there might be potential for Lucky and Sam down the road but they're just plain sleazey. Since she's not going to tell him the truth and they're all about constant whining and jealousy over Jason then the bitterness needs to cone to a head. Lucky is clearly so far from what he was way back when because he calls Elizabeth names yet wants to remain father to her children and this is supposed to be healthy for them. Had he walked into my house like that, I would have sent Cameron back upstairs and kicked him out, but as martyrs, they have to let Lucky do whatever he wants or he'll break in two.

Jason should go through his several months of grieving and martyrdom, let Lucky think he's really in charge of something and then claim his son. Jake should get to know and bond with his father despite what Lucky or even Elizabeth may have to say about it. With the slant of the writing on this show, they'll eventually find a way to make Lucky be the one to endanger one or both of those children.

All I can say about Michael is that there is no way that I would have my son repeat dialogue like that. I can't imagine having to sit there and explain that what he said is not to be taken seriously and that's not the way to do things. I know that they are setting him up to be the one to want to walk in Sonny's footsteps but they go way too far in having him say things like that for shock value or otherwise.

Maybe Kate should go have a chat with Elizabeth and share some of that philosophy so that Elizabeth can come clean.

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Sam is awful. shes is by far one of the, if not the, worse char on all of TV right now. and i hate that.

Lucky, i want to feel bad for him. and i love GV. but i just... dont feel bad for him. i would maybe if he relized his part in setting all this in motion and didnt just blame it all on big bad evil jason and liz.

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I TRULY wanted to feel bad for Lucky today and I think Greg Vaughn did try very well to get some emotion out of me but it just ddin't come thru because of the slut. I mean really even when she was talking about Emily DYING she STILL managed to bring Elizabeth into the whole convo and make it about HER.

Bitch its not about you or your slutty self! This is about Lucky and Elizabeth who were there at the beginning together. STFU! We don't want to hear about how Jason "betrayed" you or how you're so hurt. Just get OVER YOURSELF please!

Rant Over

I feel bad for Monica but really lashing out at Jason and Sonny isn't going to bring Emily back. And truth be told Nikolas is the one who probably killed her (from what I can tell from today's eppy) so I don't know why she keeps screaming fire and brimstone everytime someone so much as mentions Jason or the gang.

Elizabeth is no where near as close to being in the same group as Carly or Sam. Elizabeth is a great person with a huge heart and just because shes made a few mistakes doesn't mean shes a hypocrite. Yeah she said Jason's life was too dangerous but that doesn't mean she didn't want to see him AT ALL. Emily just died and out of everyone I feel the most sorry for both of them. Naturally they would be drawn to each other and I think its sweet that they be there to comfort one another.

Plus Jason is Jakes father. And if he and Elizabeth eventually do get together he'll come to love Cam as well. I think Jason would be a great father.

As for Michael hes a teen right? I mean I'm not saying its perfectly fine for him to wish death on someone but really who hasn't thought that at one time or another? I mean really his life hasn't been a "normal one" and growing up with Sonny I'm not surprised he's reacting the way he is.

Anyways I don't blame Sonny and Carly. I don't blame anyone to be honest (even AJ although he was a piece of trash). Its just a reaction that anyone could have depending on the situation.

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No what you do is arrest them if they committed a crime or ignore them and live a happy life as the best revenge (e.g. showing them they are not getting to you and are not pissing you off and interrupting your life)

Sam the classless bimbo

The sanctimonious bitch wastes no time with the insults! So today Lucky is grieving over the death of Emily and rather than console him and support the guy, she just takes a pot shot at Elizabeth and makes it about her when it should be about remembering Emily. Sheesh why resort to negativity when there is enough of it already with someone's death? If the Ho was to die, she certainly would not want someone insulting another but rather mourning the loss of her...but who would mourn Sam as it is? She has no family, no friends, no job, no class, barely any clothes, and no sense of decency. Seriously lay off the insults against Elizabeth and let it be about remembering the deceased (Emily). Oh and Sam....DIE!

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Couldn't of said better myself! And let's not forget NO HOME to go too - where is she living now? Mooching off someone I suppose. Cry me another freakin' river, SAM! UGH can't she just leave town or die already. Gawd! Lucky would be better off with Maxie, at least Maxie has some smarts to share with him.


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