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Nip/Tuck: Discussion Thread


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It's the inconsitancy in the writing. It's been driving me nuts all season. Julia was dumb to confront her without the phone in her hand or other people around. If the woman was crazy enough to poison her no telling what she would do when confronted with the truth.

I do feel bad for Matt although I don't think the girl is really his half sister.

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How in the hell did PSYCHO keep getting in....the Mc/T offices, the H&H set, the Mc/T house/condo/whatever????

Last scene. INCREDIBLY CLIFFHANGING!!!! (Of course we all know he's not dead. Surely the show wouldn't kill off one of the two stars of the show!)

Eden confessed to Olivia, but...........................what happened after that??? (Am I the only one that thinks that Olivia somehow administered a drug that caused the memory loss?????)!!!!

And WTF was up with Darlene? I thought they were gonna make something out of Liz needing to give her insulin, but that was all that was mentioned....? THAT and when Christian left to go check on her painful recovery status before Sean got STABBED!!!!

I kinda got the feeling they're gonna bring back Darlene and Emmy next season and continue this Christian/amputee and brother/sister incest story, but who knows!

Why did Sean tell Julia they were still married and in love??? He's the one that wanted a break from her and now he's the one giving her false information.....doesn't make sense.

How did Psycho get in the Mc/T condo or whatever and plant the body without getting noticed? And where has she kept it all this time....there? Or did she move it to show Sean what she's capable of and perhaps frighten him into her arms....?

And what purpose did the wreck serve??? :huh:

Probably the best episode of the season, but WAY too many loose ends!

(Let's face it...this season sucked BALLS.....if it doesn't get re-newed, the fans are gonna be left with some major gaps to be filled in on their own....)

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And for the record.....I hate the move to L.A.

It's produced NOTHING positive.

I know it's a long shot and will never happen, but IMHO, they should move it back to Miami. I mean, Miami is what made the show what it was.....the beach bods, the club scene, the perfect body atmosphere,................Miami made Nip/Tuck....well, Nip Tuck!!!

L.A. has made it Nip Schmuck.

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I knew Julia being dying would be too good to be true. The amenisa route is different maybe they make her character likeable again.

I was wrong. I didn't think Matt and the girl would actually end up being brother and sister.

Colleen even crazier than Eden. I really hope she's gone next season. Two psychos in one season was too much for me.

I will give them points for making it a good cliffhanger.

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  • 10 months later...
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Men can get breast cancer? I had no idea. I can't believe Christian has it. :o

The first 10 mintues were intense! But I'm so glad the Susan Flannery look-a-like is dead.

I thought Raj was pretty funny. I hope we see more of him.

It was great seeing Jaime Ray Newman :wub: again.

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  • 1 month later...
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I agree. It's been not good for a while but I still watch. I can't believe there's going to be one more season. Ryan Murphy's attention is obviously not with the show anymore. He's too busy with other projects.

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