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Writer's Strike Thread

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There might be other picketing, but Rockefeller Center is a tourist attraction in its own right, and it makes sense to convene there. Radio City Music Hall, NBC and the skating rink are a part of the complex. If the strike goes on for a few more weeks, they can even capitalize on views of the big Christmas tree.

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Can we stop the stupid bickering? A lot of us come to this topic wanting intelligent discussion about the possible ramifications this strike could have for soaps and other shows. But 2 or 3 of you are having a dumb argument nobody except you cares about.

Just make it a PM war... jeez louise.

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Obama, Clinton, Edwards back WGA

WASHINGTON -- The three leading Democratic presidential candidates weighed in on the writers strike Monday, coming down on the side of the WGA.

"I stand with the writers," Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois said from his campaign headquarters in Chicago. "The guild's demand is a test of whether media corporations are going to give writers a fair share of the wealth their work creates or continue concentrating profits in the hands of their executives."

Said Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York: "I support the Writers Guild's pursuit of a fair contract that pay them for their work in all mediums. I hope the producers and writers will return to the bargaining table."

The latest campaign finance reports have Obama and Clinton neck-and-neck for Hollywood dollars. According to an analysis of campaign contributions by the Center of Responsive Politics, the Obama campaign had raised $2,073,325 through October from Hollywood, while the Clinton campaign raised $2,141,609 from the movie, music and TV industries.

Obama also pushed the two sides to get together and make a deal.

"I urge the producers to work with the writers so that everyone can get back to work," he said.

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards also backed the strikers.

"These writers deserve to be compensated fairly for their work, and I commend their courage in standing up to big media conglomerates," he said. "As someone who has walked picket lines with workers all across America and as a strong believer in collective bargaining, I hope that both sides are able to quickly reach a just settlement."

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I believe in NYC, they're going to different locations each day. I think today was at Silvercup Studios and tomorrow they're going to the Time Warner location.

If people have time, go take pictures of soap writers!! :D

I'll be adding the Leslie Nipkow picture her profile. As for updating, I don't have time to search for new pictures, so if you find any, please send them over and I'll add the pics. :)

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