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OLTL Discussion: Week of October 1st

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Welcome to the One Life to Live Discussion Thread for the week of October 1st, 2007. It looks to be a great week on OLTL, as a number of storylines to begin to really heat up. Hope you enjoy your visit and are prepared to discuss the interworkings of Llanview, PA and OLTL. If so, then you're in the right place.

So let the discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live begin...
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TERRIFIC episode today, very enjoyable! The parts with Talia and George were actually really funny and the Todd/Marcy storyline is going along greatly. One thing I'm not too crazy about, though, is how Lindsay's breakdown is portrayed. I was finding myself hoping Ms. Hickland did it a little differently. However, OLTL has been top notch, so many touching moments with Will, such nice writing.

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Enjoyed today's ep--the Talia/George stuff was actually really funny (as dumb as I find it that she's making up this George bf I have to admit i've even foudn myself caught in lies/situations liek that before aroudn crushes so I guess it's not too odd). Nice to see Addie too! Now if only Ron would write in a little scene showing us Larry Wolek still alive and well I'd be happy...

My one gripe was Cole's trun around--he was all smiles at the end of the wedding on Friday and now he's all down Star's throat?

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hated the teens.

Rest was good.

Really loving BO for some reason. Must be my Daddy complex.

No but seriously, I find Carlivati is writing well for Bo. I "get"his character at this stage in the story.

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Good show. The Todd and Blair stuff was good. I like Blair making Todd move into La Boule! Should be entertaining!

The George stuff was dumb, but cute.

The Addie and Will scene was weird. I don't see the point of it. If you going to bring back Addie, she should have been at the wedding. Not some strange conversation with Will.

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Over the years, my friends have made a point of comparing my poor mother to Dorian Lord. I must admit there are similarities. My Mum is a doctor. And the driveway to our family summer cottage is lined with weeping birches.

Hey, Eric, you watching Corrie?

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Nora today, what a biyatch! I hated her scene with Lindsay. Ugh! She's really reverting back into old habits. I wanted Lindsay to snap out of it yell out boo! and strangle her. Now that would have made for a good cliffhanger

Starr's 15? Okay I stopped watching the show in Nov of last year and before that I know that Todd was getting her a car. So now she's 15? She has to be at least 16

Yesterday Michael said that TnB have been divorced twice? Havent they been married like 4 times before now already? Did he mean twice since he came to town?

Line of the day. Marcie's lawyer said "You have quite the talent for udnerstatements" and Blair responded with "and you got quite the talent for being a b-tch" LOL

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