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DAYS: Friday August 31

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In case anyone missed it......

- Roy B. Steinberg last listed as Supervising Producer on August 29

- Stephen Wyman last listed as Co-Executive Producer on August 29

- Edward Scott first listed as Co-Executive Producer on August 30


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Sure there wasn't any action but I didn't think it was boring at all. I liked the family scenes between Bo/Shawn and Kayla/Benjy/Lexie.

I really the idea of Shawn becoming a cop. He's following in his family's footsteps.

This was a very good week for DAYS. It was definitely DAYS' best week this summer.

Next week should be very good too with the

And Kathy Foster's first episode airs next week. :)

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DAYS definitely had a Y&Rish feel today. Who knew?

Sure today's episode wasn't action packed like the rest of the week, but I still enjoyed it. Very good family centric episode. I loved the talk that Hope and Shawn had. I felt so much for Hope today.

I'm loving Lexie and Kayla's friendship. They're going to need each other alot down the road.

DAYS offcially has the cutest babies.

This week was the best week of the summer.

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I liked today's show. It didn't have a lot of drama and action like earlier in the week, but it was a nice "family" episode and that's what makes DAYS feel like DAYS again. We need a mix of drama and the emotional stuff, with a little humor sprinkled in. Steve and Pocket were very cute today, and I loved the scene with Hope when he told her why he calls her "sweet thing". Kayla and Lexie were very convincing as friends and it was good to see them both at Benjy's bedside.

A nice, solid end to a very good week.

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Loved today's show. It was a quieter episode than the rest of the week but I have a feeling it's just to give us all a chance to catch our breath before next week.

Loved, loved, loved the Steve/Hope scenes. Of course I love it any time the writers remind us of their deep friendship and love for each other. Hope is one of the few people who can call Steve on his bull and I loved her calling him a "big dope" when he tried to brush off how much he enjoys taking care of Pocket. The last scene with them was just so well done. I can't get enough of Steve, Kayla, Bo & Hope together in any combination.

I really enjoyed the Kayla & Lexie scenes too, and Benjy's comment about Pocket being a "lucky boy" actually brought tears to my eyes.

Please can't we keep Benjy? James Lunsford can communicate more with his eyes than many actors communicate at full voice. I really don't want to see him die but I have a bad feeling he's going to be an eventual casualty of the Brady/Dimera war.

The Shawn/Belle/Phillip scenes were okay but I'm so, so weary of this triangle. I'd like to see another woman catch Phillip's eye.

BTW, I capped the preview for next week that aired during Passions, if anyone wants to see it:


(waves since I haven't been around in awhile)

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OK if you're wondering where my gushing post for today's episode is... well... I didn't think it was gush-worthy. :o

It wasn't that it was bad, it just didn't blow me away the way the rest of the week had. In fact, I actually fell asleep halfway through so I had to rewatch the second half. :o Not that it was really the show's fault entirely as I was BEAT, but it was definitely an odd Friday episode IMO and disappointing from a cliffhanger standpoint in that it couldn't keep me awake the whole time, which is really sad when there wasn't even any TTS crap in it. Is this whole allergy to Friday cliffhangers another Hogan trademark, those of you well familiar with his work, because I can't remember the last time we had a good old-fashioned cliffhanger? (I mean even when Santo was literally hanging off the cliff he was pulled up back onto the cliff before the episode ended)

Still, I agree with pretty much all of the positive things that people had to say about this epi and have a couple more things to add.

1. I love seeing Shawn in scenes that don't involve Belle or Phillip. For quite a while I've felt like Shawn was a huge turd, yet I actually found myself interested in his problems the past two days when we saw him with Max and then Hope. Yay for more family interaction and characters getting so nicely jumbled up.

2. Hooray for Kayla wearing her lab coat and stethoscope. Yay for showing someone in Salem working and a woman actually working at that!

3. I've never heard Steve call Hope "sweet thing" before that I remember. Awwwwww. That's so cute. Like I said the other day... fab four now = hope/bo/kayla/steve

4. I loved the movement and circularity of this episode where it started and ended Shawn-Hope, Belle-Philip, Steve-Kayla but in the middle of the thing it was jumbled up with Kayla-Lexie, Shawn-Belle, Hope-Steve.


Do you think today was foreshadowing day?

-I don't get why Hope was so freaked out about Shawn being a cop when she's married to one and been one herself. Is Shawn going to get seriously hurt as a cop? If so, yay, that should be good drama.

-The Lexie-Kayla stuff was interesting and while I suppose Lexie talking about the Issac adoption and Zach's death could have just been some filler extrapolation, to me it (along with the Benjy stuff) is setting up some good drama for Payla's Pocket to get ripped from her arms and possibly something bad is going to happen to Pocket too where he almost dies methinks as there was that Zach tie-in.

-So Kayla is adamant she is going to kill Stefano if something happens to Benjy, eh? Hmmmmm... does this mean Benjy will die? Kind of makes me think so. :(

-More hinting from Kayla today about her worry about what the DiMeras did to him... hmmmm. If this is foreshadowing them finally giving some emotional payoff to the Steve driven crazy by the DiMeras stuff, then yay, whether it is him getting revenge or slipping back under their control or uncovering what he was up to during his missing years. Any of those things will do for me. I just am glad they haven't forgotten it which I kind of thought they had when Steve came back all normal and comedic relief guy.

-"Belle's not your wife. Not yet." So is the November sweeps Shelle wedding I've been expecting going to go awry? Or are they just gonna have Belle make out with Phillip and lead him on some more before running back to Shawn like always? Hmmm.

-Kayla and Steve are sooooooooooo having a kid when Pocket gets taken away from them.

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