Members Days4Life Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 I really hope Touch the Sky will be ending soon, but until that glorious day arrives they need to give us small doses, like Monday's show. We saw a little bit of Chelsea, Nick, Jett, Jeremy, Max and Stephanie but not enough to make me hit the FF button. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members IMissAremid Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 Yep! I was shocked when I saw her listed too. I honestly thought she stunk based on some of her past episodes, but then seeing today's show it just sort of blew a lot of my conceptions about her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members maconrich Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 Thanks!! And ICAM! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members koos Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 A LOT of good stuff in today's episode. Lucas and Sami (and EJ, towards the end) were all stupid, and Roman was kind of silly, but the rest was great. Joe Mascolo is excellent when he's given the right material. EJ's reference to Renee - and Stefano's reaction - were superb. I don't think I've ever felt so much emotion from Stefano before. Until the end, I almost felt... empathy... for him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ryan Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 One word summarizes today's episode..... Wow........... Joe Mascalo won his emmy today. His projection was AMAZING. The pain & surprise he felt while being visited by the ghost of his father was just.....great. The chemistry between him and James is off the charts and if today's show was any indication of future episodes, us DAYS fans will continue to be happy. The weakest storyline on the show by far is the touch the sky story, but I'm glad they appear to be fastracking it to the end. It needs to happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members PhoenixRising05 Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 I agree Ryan. Joe Mascolo gave the performance of his CAREER today. He showed so much vulnerability and we are finally seeing a side to Stefano that we have never seen. When he cried out to his papa to come back, it got to me. His eyes welling with tears at the first sight of him and then his subdued anger over wasting his whole life following his father's wishes. Great all around. JS did terrific today as Santo and earlier in the episode as EJ. The mention of Renee was well placed and used. Now that is how you use history properly. Good scenes all around here. Loved Bo and Roman's interactions with Stefano and EJ too. Roman was hilarious today. Who is this man and what has been done with JT? Roman and Bo are great together and I loved Lucas and Sami's reactions to Roman. Andre is one ugly woman and boy did he resemble the gym manager. Wow... . Lucas/Andre was actually pretty good except for that line about the Brady's. Sami/EJ was good too and that scene Sami had with Andre was incredibly creepy. Thaoo made the scenes work today so props to him. I also liked how they used real dogs for the car scenes. Good seeing Benji and the diaper race was adorable. Loved seeing the Steve/Hope friendship and them being with Kayla felt like old times. SN and MBE were superb in that last scene when Steve finds the hat and suitcase. The ending was FLAWLESS!! Joe gave it his all and just the sight of Stefano grabbing on to Rolf and saying "The end is here..." while Andre held the folio and said "The end is near" all with the opera music in the background was brilliant. Perfect ending. Ed has arrived in spades. Goes to show you what some great direction and execution can do. I always said it's not so much the stories and the writing that is wrong with Days right now but the execution of it all and the last 3 days has been good execution to go along with the writing and now we have a serious, well put together daytime drama on our hands. GO DAYS!! KEEP IT UP!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KevC1980 Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 I finally watched and enjoyed the entire episode..I have to give props to the whole cast today for giving great performances all around...and the crew (ed scott if your responsible, thank you very much)... First off Kudos to Joseph Mascolo..I agree with Phoenix, i've watched since 87 and that was probably one of his best performances...Simply amazing..My favorite was the first scene when Santo came out..Stefano shaking and teary eyed and calling out to his papa was so moving...finally i feel like this vendetta has a purpose...The Coleen and Santo thing thus far has bored me to tears, but Santo today with his son was excellent..I also loved Stefano explaining that he has wasted so much of his life for nothing...James Scott also did an incredible job today..And the special effects when Santo went back into the light were so much better than what Days has done in the past.. Lucas and the dogs was also so well done..When i first heard that spoiler i was so pissed..It sounded so bad on paper, but on screen it was great...What a reverse from what we've been getting... Also the steam room set-up trap for Sami and EJ was very well done..and Andre was just deliciously evil today..Thaao gave a great performance today. Bo and Roman were hilarious as normal, JT has really stepped it up lately...In fact i'm loving Hogan's incarnation of Roman lately...My only complaint, is with Bo and Roman having to deal with so much (lucas, Sami/EJ, Benji)...i would like to see John or Abe helping out..Just to give those two more airtime.. Finally, Hope, Steve, and Kayla had nice scenes, i love this Pocket storyline..And its finally showcasing what a strong couple Steve and Kayla are....Also the end with Benji missing had me on the edge of my seat...I just wish they hadn't listed the spoiler as Pocket and Ciara hang out..What a stupid spoiler, for what turned out to be great scenes with 3 of my favorite vets...I really hope Ed Scott can put out more appealing spoilers for the show... With the show improving, i really hope to see more old school fans posting..Ademption, Nubia, Rugrat, and Kirk...Hope you guys are checking the show out again... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members daysfan Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 This episode is probably one of the best I've seen in YEARS. Joseph Mascolo was the highlight for me. He was so good all around. And FINALLY, after nearly twenty three years, we see him try to make up for Renee's death. Before this, I doubt we ever saw true emotion from him about her death. I loved when EJ mentioned her, and Stefano just began to stare out, remembering it, and then he told where Andre was. I LOVED him when Santo's ghost visited him, and he called out for his Papa to come back as Santo went into the light. JS and JM handled the scene so well. I am not sure if I can ever see JT as Roman...he's Chris IMO, but I will say he was good in this episode. And Boseph was hilarious. The diaper race was funny and great. Love seeing Benjy more, and him going missing at the end. Great interactions between them all IMO Thaao played Andre so well today. I didn't like the line from Lucas about the Bradys either but the scene was good, and then I loved him being tied in the car. I enjoyed the end where they were locked in the steam room, and then Stefano was laughing so crazily and said "The end is here!" and then Andre held the folio and said "The end is near....." Fantastic. I have a feeling this is really because of Scott's influence, and perhaps the writing never was too much of a problem except for a few blunders. I can't wait to see tomorrow because it is Scott's official starting episode, in a sense. As for Meg being the SW, I honestly have always thought she did better as SW than Co-HW. It's a Co-HW I don't like her as but I think she's decent as a Script Writer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KSlater Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 I loved the episode - everything about it. I thought every part of the show was wonderful, but the scenes between James and Joe stood out for me--both as EJ and Stefano and as Santo and Stefano. Joe and James are magic onscreen together. I was concerned when I heard that Santo would be visiting Stefano. But my worries were quickly dispelled as the scene unfolded. James played Santo in an unstated way that made it all the more powerful. And Joe, I was blown away. He had me in tears as his performance reminded me of someone that I loved. This what gets me invested a character. No matter what Stefano does in the future, I'll always have in the back of my mind his reason for doing it. Doesn't make his actions right, but it makes them at least understandable and relatable on a human level. That's something that I've been longing for on Days. I have seen more layers in Stefano in the past few days than in the all the previous years I've been watching the show. Makes me a happy viewer. I have nothing else to add because most your posts here pretty much express how much I loved this episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Days4Life Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 KSlater, you're exactly right. To care about a character, good or bad, we need to know their motivations and what makes them the way they are. This is why so many people have loved Sami over the years despite all her misdeeds. We watched how her life was affected by her parents kidnappings and other events--who could forget a teenage Sami seeing her mom and John having sex in the Titan boardroom? All the time Sami was acting out, we knew a lot of it was influenced by things that happened when she was a girl that had an effect on her self esteem and sense of worth. Contrast that to new characters like Willow and Jeremy that are thrown into big stories immediately with no layers to them, no reason for us to care about who they are or why they do the things they do. Same with Colin and Patrick and for a long time Nicole...we have to see these new characters as real people in order to become invested in them. While I always loved Stefano, during the 90s he did become a caricature of a villian--all seeing, all knowing, all powerful--and a lot of viewers were turned off. Now, we're finally seeing layers of vulnerability, regret, humanity. Stefano's reaction to EJ talking about Renee gave me so much empathy for him...and the scene with Santo was heartbreaking because you got a sense of how Stefano's life was changed because of his love and devotion to his father. He had to turn his back on the life HE wanted in order to fulfill his father's vendetta. THAT is how you write in order to get viewers willing to give up an hour a day to tune in. Make us CARE about these people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KBT Posted August 29, 2007 Members Share Posted August 29, 2007 I am at work and can't post in detail right now, but I watched the show twice in a 3 hour span it was so good. I will say this Joe Mascalo was superb, I felt so bad for him when he saw his pappa. I will post more later.....I hope DAYS can keep this up! Kev.....I havent missed but one DAYS eppy the last few months I just havent had the internet and thought the show was awful for about 2 weeks straight so I just never posted about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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