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AMC: Thursday: August 23, 2007

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oh lordy lord, Kendall has gone crazy! Im with Ryan and Zach today. I think she needs to see a shrink bc she's losing it. She is 99% focused on Spike and Ian is chopped liver. What Ryan wanted to do was a good thing. Ian needs it, Kendall needs it and Zendall need it. She needs to set her priorities bc she's ignoring the rest of her family

Jack and Krystal? Was this a chemistry test? LOL...would love to see Erica react to that one

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Why bother? I called it Tuesday night that Amanda Beall had a hand in writing Wednesday's episode based on the previews alone. Whaddya know, I was right!

Amanda Beall gets just the right amount of blame -- she's a self-impressed hack. Totally McTavish lite.

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The only thing good I will say about Beall, is she wrote the Valentine's day episode and it's a GREAT episode, otherwise she is bad.

Ryan STFU and then FOAD. I wish Kendall would tear off your [!@#$%^&*] head and spit down your throat and then kick you in your pencil dick with her stilletos.

Zach & Ian :wub: Zach & Lily were awesome

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One Hour Ryan

What a hypocrite Ryan has turned out to be! So now after chastizing Kendall like she is some little girl who drank the wrong Kool Aid (It should be Dynamite Kiddo Lemon she has, not the regular that everyone is accustomed to DUH!) over taking the little boy to a doctor. Yet now on today's show we have the guy actually saying he is willing to sit down and listen to what Doc Hilliard has to say. So in one instance he is against Kendall taking their son to see a doctor but in the next he is saying he is willing to meet with him for an hour to see how they can progress with Spike's treatment? Good lord idiot face Ryan make up your freaking mind already! It is too bad that everything is your way or the HIGH HO way these days but to now continue and being a pompous arrogant prick and employing the use of support in one instance and then not in the next is just another way you have gone off the deep end. So when will it be okay for Kendall to take Spike to see the doctor? When pigs fly alongside Dynamite Kiddo super hero dolls with a one butt cheek capable of farting ten gases at a time, each gas able to knock out all of Roseanne Barr's enemies so she can steal the crown as the Biggest douche. Yep there is a lot that can happen when this takes place but leave it to Ryan to be all up in arms over Kendall doing somethin and then when she contemplates performing the same exact exercise it is alright. Now he says that Annie should take care of Spike and take him out of town...what?

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I don't have a problem with Beall. She writes some very good episodes. She writes some very bad episodes (the non-stop smart-a** dialouge). She writes some who the heck cares episodes. So does Cohen. Some of my favorite episodes in the past year have been Cohen-Beall doing their thang together. Same will probably go for our new script writer - some great, some bad, some blah. I'm ashamed to admit it - but the only time I teared up during this storyline was during two Bulger episodes, lol. So you just never really know.

I'll comment on today's show later, maybe.

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Ugh - Kendall was being a crazy biyatch today. I was so annoyed by her, and was actually rooting for Ryan (!). I think it had to do more with CamMat - he played Ryan really rational and calm today. Had he been angry or annoying Ryan, then I wouldn't have cared about the whole Spike thing anyway, but Ryan really had me on his side today. I just hope Kendall gets with it soon, bc my girl is annoying the hell out of me lately.

JR looked like Zarf today....and that's NOT good.

I loved everything at The Comeback today. JR/Babe scenes were fun and light....which is very refreshing for those two characters. I really enjoyed the Krystal/Jack scenes. I love how torn up Jack is over Greenlee and Erica, and it was nice to see Krystal be his support today. Those are two older characters who rarely have scenes together, so it was very refreshing and a nice surprise.

I really liked Greenlee and Annie both today. I'm enjoying this Annie mystery the most right now...and I liked the setup at the end with Ryan walking into his house and looking at Greenlee with Emma.

Great show today!

As for the previews....LMAO at Ava and Amanda KISSING. What the hell is that all about? Either way - HOT HOT HOT. ;)

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The chemistry between Babe and JR was practically flying off the ceiling in their scenes together. It's to bad Megan ruined them so badly.

JR's hair looked like it belonged to a 50 year old Ridge from The Bold and the Beautiful. :lol:

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Almos totally different view of those scenes. Yes, Ryan's idea was not a bad one at all, let me put that out first. I thought the dialouge gave Cameron the opportunity to play those scenes with Kendall very thoughtfully and I think that's what was called for because Kendall was clearly not doing well. But he didn't play it thoughtfully, for the most part. Now, I thought that was simply Cameron making the wrong acting choice but then they had Ryan act like one of those men who will only beat and insult his wife in the house but not in front of other men when Zach entered the room. Was that actually direction given to Cameron? Interesting if it was, because his demeanor and the way he spoke changed significantly from before to after. Oh, so what I'm saying is I thought he came off belittling and condescending even when he was saying "positive" things in those scenes while he was alone with Kendall. I was rooting for Kendall on an emotional level on those scenes even thought I thought Ryan had logical points, initially.

Good cliffhanger though. Annie, Greenlee with Emma...Ryan walks in! And it's as if all the women knew he's punch the b***h, lol. If Spike was there he'd say "uh-oh" again.

LOL, I though I was getting used to the hair but nooo... It's a cross between Ridge and Lorenzo Llamas hair. Sigh, is somebody forcing him to keep his hair like that? If not, would somebody please force him to cut it? Please.

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