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GH Weekly Discussion: Week of August 20

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I love what Carolyn Hinsey said about Unlucky :D

"Man up, dude. YOU cheated first with Maxie. YOU lied for months about doing drugs and cheating with Maxie. Liz even endured Maxie's (fake) pregnancy with your child. You should be on your knees apologizing, not whining boo to the hoo."

Wordy McWord B):D

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Carolyn Hinsey needs to shut up bc she must not have watched the show last year bc Lucky PAID for all of that. He knew what he did wrong, he admitted it to himself and Liz and worked damn hard to make up for it. He was on his knees (figuratively) apologizing to her for MONTHS, while she stood by treating him like crap and taking every oppurtunity to make him feel guilty for what he had done. It wasnt only her who called him out, but his own brother, sister among others. NO one made excuses for Lucky's actions nor did anyone rationalize them including Lucky. Can anyone say the same about Liz? ALL of Lucky's sins were out in the open when he entered into this marriage and Liz forgave him so its kind of irrelevant as they have both moved forward with that. Lucky just found out about Liz's lie so he has every right to be upset. Besides sleeping with Jason is not the root of the problem; its the constant lies. Lucky told her that all he ever wanted from her was honesty and a year later, she STILL has not given him that even when he has confronted her numerous times. Liz has not taken responsibility for her sins, nor has she owned up to them. She hasnt paid and she cant be redeemed until she becomes completley honest. There in lies the big difference between her and Lucky's situations.

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Exactly! And that slut, Sam, needs to sit down, too. I am tired of her feeling as if she's somebody's victim when THIS ALL STARTED WHEN SHE SLEPT WITH HER MOTHER'S HUSBAND ON HER MOTHER'S LIVING ROOM FLOOR!

There is no doubt in my mind that Jason wouldn't have slept with Liz if he didn't witness the slut having sex with Ric.

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Sam and Lucky were hawt.

I didn't expect Sam and Lucky to kiss. This soap continues to surprise me. The whole thing was out of the blue and so completely unexpected and surprising. The writers keep on surprising me with Sam and Lucky. I didn't expect Sam to slap the $h!+ out of Carly and so didn't expect Lucky to kiss Sam. Wow. They do have crazy chemistry though. Greg V. usually doesn't have so much sexual chemistry ( I never felt he had sexual chemistry with the present Maxie, Elizabeth or Emily) but he sure did on Friday's episode.

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I don't really think anyone can fault Lucky here for kissing on Sam when just two episodes ago Liz was sucking on Jason's tounge.

It's not as if Liz is being all that faithful while Lucky is snooping around. They are both cheating on eachother and are both kissing significant others.

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It's funny seeing how fans of these characters go after each other like one is better than the other by listing all the bad things the other has done. LOL

Let's just agree that they're all horrible people with little rooting value and being written by a hack writer who needs to be fired. :D

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It's not even about Elizabeth being unfaithful for Lucky. It's the fact that the witch kept the lie for over a year about her infidelity when she was harping about Lucky's infidelity and made him grovel and crawl for forgiveness when she did the same damn thing and then lied about it for over a year.

Elizabeth and Lucky both are cheating on one another. So that same arguement against Lucky could be applied to Liz. Lucky is whining (he just found out about it and on top of that Liz has been lying to him for a year plus and she came into the their mariage lying to him) but Liz was bitching about Lucky being unfaithful as well. They're both in the same boat as far as cheating goes.

However Liz is STILL lying about Jake's paternity.

Guza does need to be fired but I still find Sam and Lucky more rootable then Jason the soulless killer and Elizabeth the seamstress weaver of lies.

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My take:

It's not Liason that's theproblem. I really could care less about them. I don't see the chemistry, and I've yet to see Steve Burton so me this supposed to emotion Jason Bot has with Liz. But if they wanted to be together, more friggin power to them.

What the problem is: They can't stand on their own two feet as a couple. More then half the town has had to be destoryed to prop them up. Three popular couples were tanked beyond recognition (Reixs, JaSam, LnL2). There's nothing left of most of those couples, and it's all because Liason needed to look good. Sam had to sleep with Ric, so that Jason wouldn't look bad. Lucky had to be a bastard while hooked on pills, so that Liz could garner our sympathies. We're told every five minutes that Liason is love. Liason is ligtl. Liason is pure. Liason is good. They don't show us, they tell us.

Rather then have Liason building up on their hisotries again, starting to pine for each other, fighting their feelings, trying to make their respective relationships work, until they finally got to the point where they couldn't take it anymore and gave into their love, you know the stuff that soaps used to be made off...they had to tell us that everyone else is bad. Make everyone look like fools.

If these two can't stand on their one two feet as a couple, they shouldn't be together.

I think it's all been in the chase and as soon as one of them sell their soul to be together, their supposed magic is going to die, and we'll be legft with a show in ruins and the couple that it was wrecked for in tattered pieces along with it.

Had GH just told Liason's story, I think we'd be looking at something amazing. Something that would make, others outside of the Liason circle crave more. Unfortunately, Guza gets a hard on for Jason, and can't think with anything but the wrong head. Idiot.

GH needs to either put Liason together and start them self impolding, or end the madness now. But either way, this can't continue.

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Yup, exactly.

Yeah, I agree. I would've loved to see this. Using the history between Jason/Liz to tell a love story. That would good storytelling. Instead you use sleaze and hatred and violence and destruction to put a couple together? Just horrible.

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