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AMC: Thursday: August 16, 2007

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Umm all of the male lavery children were abused. Ryan as well. Just because Jonathan and Erin went through it too doesn't mean Ryan's abuse was negated. I never understood this arguement. All of the lavery children were abused sans Erin. If anyone had the better childhood out of those four it certaintly wasn't Ryan. Erin was the princess who got the pass. Not Ryan. He got beat up just like everyone else. His childhood wasn't the stuff made of dreams. So yes his childhood was very much rough. I don't even see how anyone could argue this.

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Any interest I had in Annie's secret was diminished today once Ryan badgered her for her whereabouts. When she isn't apologizing and pacifying Ryan, Annie is truly an interesting character.

Get her away from Ryan.

Zach and Kendall were very sweet and realistic. As were Jack and Erica.

I don't understand why Josh keeps bothering with Greenlee. He doesn't seem upset with her on his sister's behalf at all.

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I am so behind. I have not watched any of this weeks episodes yet, plan to on the weekend.

Jack and Erica I just almost wish would move on (at least for the time being) and they can reconnect at the end of this umbrella storyline. I want my Independant Erica!!!

Erica is being true to form with this whole me or Greenlee thing. Jack needs to friggin take the blinders off and see his daughter for the psychopath that she is. Argh, Greenlee is so dead to me in case you were wondering? :lol: I mean I haven't seen her get drunk yet but I just don't see my opinion changing anytime soon.

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I thought Kate Hall did a really good job today.

The Erica/Jack stuff was great (until the end) - and Susan Lucci was amazing.

Its obvious that Greenlee/Josh work the best together - I hope they hurry up and get Greenlee out of the Zendall orbit and concentrate on Josh (I know we have lots of Spike-story to wrap-up...but still).

I loved how Annie confided in Ryan and I loved the last scene where she taught him some sign language.

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Finally Jerica are over, it was about time. Both of these characters need to just move on, I hate how erica acts when she is around jack. I want to see erica with someone like zach, they should bring back dimitri, mike or david someone that has to fire and who is a real leading man.

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^ oh I want a Zerica fling so bad it hurts. LOL ;) But Zach could never be anything more to her then a fling. He's to judgemental of her, and he already has set opinions of her, which I believe that would inhibt the way he could feel about her. But oh, a hot, screen melting ONS...yes please. :D

She needs someone like David. Sorry, Stump never got her. Dimtiri was almost as bad as Jack when he left. The day she lost that baby and he basically told her to get over it and move on, was the day he stopped being a man she should ever be with. David, knew her and the stuff she'd pull better then she did. He always called her on it. And never let her make excuses. But where he was different from other men, he didn't care. He wanted her to be honest with him (yes I know, he lied to her all the time, I know :rolleyes:) and he'd always be on her side if she did that. Though, they were so much alike and he got her so well that ended up being their downfall.

Anyway, I'm glad she's not married anymore. Marriage is toxic to her.

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^^^Heck it doesn't even have to be david who they pair erica it can be a new character as long as he has some fire, can act and is leading man material. An I actually enjoyed erica with dimitri, I didn't feel he was toxic with her, but the writers truly did ruin his character at the end of his run, but I would except him back now as a reformed man.

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I love the Zerica snark, but even a fling wouldn't work with those two, but I do agree with what TK said once that Erica wants a piece of this LMFAO ;):lol:

I agree, Jack needs to get the blinders off and quit enabling Greensleaze, as far as I'm concerned he's condoning what she did to Spike

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