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AMC: Thursday: August 16, 2007

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Thursday, August 16, 2007


Today on All My Children...
-Ryan asks Annie to help him learn some sign language
-Erica and Jack are officially divorced.
-Greenlee makes the arrangements for Spike to see a specialist.

Classic Clip!
The Streak in Over Susan Lucci!

-Addie Walsh
-Katie Hall
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I am loving the episdoe right now! Its a good balance today. :)

Greenlee is tolarable with Josh. :D

The Erica/Jackson scenes are good! They are talking about how they are feeling right now. They are not really arguing and handling this in a mature way. :D

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I loved todays episdoe!

Erica/Jackson scenes were great! I loved that they talk to each other and they still care for each other. So then the divorce was off, but when they turn the TV on they find that Pam recored their private conversation and the divorce was back on. I liked that Erica yelled "Get out" like she will telling him to do it. :D

I loved the Kendell/Zack scenes. Zack acting all cool for her but inside he is scared. Also when Zack was giving Kendell a message that was Hwat! :wub: Then when they were lying with each other. :wub: Zendell was on fire today. :) I also have to say that Kendell was so funny when she made it seem like nothing was wrong but she was scared that Greenlee was going to take Spike.

Greenlee was tolarable today. She tried to help trying to find a way to help Spike. But I still do not forgive Greenlee on what she did. :angry:

The Ryan/Annie scenes were good today. She was so scared to open up. :)

The previews look good! Cannot wait!

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I was dreading the Jack/Erica scenes but ended up loving them instead. It was nice to see them having a mature, emotional conversation. Not to mention that they made love. :D I do have to wonder if we'll eventually find out that the divorce isn't official after all.

I do agree that Jack was too harsh with Erica at the end though. It didn't make sense but I guess the writers have to come up with something to keep them apart for now.

Can't wait to see what Erica signs her and Jack up for tomorrow. J/E are so not over. ;)

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The Accused Ryan

So Ryan today says that ever since he was placed in a cradle that his childhood was rough. Wrong! It was Jonathan and Erin who had the rough childhoods but Ryan being the ignorant idiot he is abandoned his siblings to be abused by the old man so he can live the good life and inherit companies just to drive them into the ground and get massages from people looking like Michael Jackson on steroids. This guy just conveniently forgets history whenever he wants to and just thinks he is little Mr. Know Ho It All. Well geez Ryan you should know the childhood was not that bad if you escaped the old man and did not have to endure the abuse. Then he forgets his history with Greenlee in the year 2000 when she stalked him and made his life a living h#ll and then he just forgets it all when he marries her because the real Ryan would never marry Greenlee. Way to go Ryan you just keep forgetting some important parts of history and just think that it is alright to erase it and try to paint a bad picture of your little Ho upbringing. I wonder if his childhood was so rough because the children made fun of him by saying he looked like Frankenstein on a horny diet...puke every time you get an orgasm and you lose 30 pounds each time! Yep that will do the trick. Hey maybe Ryan was fatter than Roseanne Barr and Sally Struthers put together that he became the very best person to be a spokesperson for Goodyear blimps. Or he was a blimpie sandwich, either one of the two. Someone kill him off please

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They never could keep their hands off one another :D I wouldn't be a bit surprised about that last part ;)

I haven't seen the show yet but there isn't any good reason to keep them apart and never was so they make this crap up as they go along. The intelligent fans see that. :)

I've been saying that for years


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