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AMC: The character of Bianca should be killed off!

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While I would love to see Bianca killed off (If I even watched), I don't think it's fair to say that she thinks she is too good for soaps, although at this point, 60% of the actors on daytime are too good for this [!@#$%^&*]. However, Eden was let go this time around, and why is it a bad thing for someone to want to move forward in their career? That's totally unfair.

Eden is way overrated, and they really need to stop bringing her back like she some sort of ratings goldmine because she isn't...


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Then either stay or just stay away! These guest stints are annoying as hell. TPTB don't take as much care with ANY OTHER CHARACTER ON THIS SHOW as they do with Bianca -- at least in the mentions/appearances department (her love life sucks ass -- no pun intended). Not even Hayley has called to see if her father's alright after Krystal's big lie was exposed and her baby sister ceased to exist -- or when Adam had the heart attack that landed him in the hospital. Reggie apparently couldn't care less about his parents divorcing on national television after all the work he did to get them together. He doesn't care that his sister drove over a cliff with his step sister's baby -- or that his step sister went into extremely premature labor.

But Bianca? Oh, my God! The world must STOP for Bianca any time something happens in the Kane family. She has to come back to spread her sage, saintly, celibate wisdom complete with tinkly music and all is right with the world.

And then, every time Bianca leaves, we have to have a two-day Bon Voyage party as if we'll never see her again.

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Eden was not let go last time. She only had a short term contract. the character of Bianca is however a long term goldmine and fans really care about her. Bianca getting her baby back got the biggest ratings in years and so good Bianca dying. I agree eden is overrated and there's tons of actresses who could fill her shoes. B&E are just using that to cover up the fact that they don't want to recast because Bianca's a lesbian. the fact is all of Bianca's biigest stories had NOTHING to do with her being a lesbian. Dead or alive the character of Bianca is a ratings goldmine and it's shame the writers are to dumb or hateful to tap into it!

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LMAO no. Eden doesn't think she's too good for Daytime, she likes living out west, and maybe she wants to do other roles, that's fine. She always tends to come back to AMC from time to time, plus there's enough tragedy on AMC as it is now, why kill off Binks? Kendall's a mess already!

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But at the same time, there are a LOT of Kanes on the canvas, already. Kendall, Josh, Miranda, Spike, Ian... The Kane Legacy has been well established. Not that I'm seriously saying "YAY! KILL BIANCA!" but since Colby went from 4 to 16 in two years, Miranda could be SORAS'd to a Mini-Erica preteen in a few years. PLUS, it would give Erica (notice I'm saying ERICA -- not SUSAN) a reason to keep from calling Miranda her granddaughter. There are quite a few grandparents raising their grandchildren as their own, and I know some personally.

However, my main point has been, if there's nothing ELSE to do with the Bianca character than just have her spread joy and sunshine in times of need all because she's the sage, all-knowing celibate lesbian Kane woman, then there's no real NEED for the character. If I had to choose, I'd rather of have the ghost of Bianca visit during times of need than have Bianca continuously come back with no story of her own -- only to drive up ratings and prop other characters on the canvas with storylines of their own.

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Again, it's not about KILLING OFF the character -- but either DO something with the character or REMOVE the character, because using her for guest appearances is just as much of a stunt as killing her off. The character doesn't evolve or grow -- definitely doesn't get a storyline.

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Just like my Mandy B. Hate, I will take this to my grave... either commit to the Bianca character -- LESBIANISM AND ALL -- or stop teasing us with her chaste, saintly, pixie dust visits.

P.S. Loving that avatar, Angie! I have yet to see that episode (2 days behind), so I'm looking forward to it when I sign off!

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You'll love that scene, it was awesome and Sabine's acting was horrible as usual ;)

Yep they need to commit to Binks already. I don't mind Binks returning for important stuff like Spike's deafness or the birth of Ian, that makes sense. They wasted her on her last return and the one before it, cause last summer's return was about Ryan, and this one was about Babe

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