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AMC: Thursday

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You are All My Children

August 2nd 2007



Today on All My Children..

-Adam tries to reclaim Chandler Enterprises by taking advantage of Zach’s situation.

-Greenlee refuses to leave town.

-Erica has a talk with Babe

Classic Clip! The First Part of Erica/Dimitri's Wedding

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Josh needs to stop singing.lol Loved erica/babe and jack/greens conversations today. It told me that one erica will help babe steal greens shares and two jack will chose greens over erica in the future. Hopefully the writers will finally end j/e and put erica with a real lead.

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Wow to Erica helping Babe.

I really don't know what to say about Fusion shares since we never know who has controlling stock in the company. They shift it around so many times. You never really know who owns or is in charge of Fusion cosmetics.

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I'm sorry, but this does not seem like Erica at all. Erica would never help the woman who kept Miranda away from Binks and let her believe her child was dead. For Erica to justify this by thinking Greenlee deserves this for what she did to Kendall would be pure hypocrisy. Why would she help the other witch who hurt her other daughter?

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^ I guess Erica has not fully forgiven but she put aside her hate for Babe because she did help Kendell, and she wants to team up with her to get Greenlee out. :)

But i do understand you. How can you team up with someone who stole your daughters child.

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I don't know, to be honest. I mean on the surface, it seems like vintage Erica, using someone she hates to make the life of someone else she hates miserable. Erica as I knew and loved her would have sooo used Babe to hurt Greenlee absolutely. But she wouldn't have done it under the vain of kindness or forgiveness. She'd have laid it out to Babe what she thought of her, and what she thought of Greenlee. She'd have reminded Babe of what she did, and how she still owed Bianca. She'd have played on the fact that Babe brought Kendall to the hospital, etc. worked the "hero" card. Basically, manipulated the crap out of Babe. This sounds to kind. To soft. To sweet. I don't know. But I guess it's good that B&E tried.

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If you noticed, Babe was talking about her not believing Erica would ever forgive her. Erica didn't pull a Bianca and forgive Babe, but she said standing by Kendall is a big step. Erica will probably never forgive Babe for what she did to Bianca, but Erica also has seen that Bianca & Kendall have forgiven Babe and have forged a relationship post-kidnapping. Erica is totally manipulating Babe into getting back at Greenlee, but I love the story. Erica is going to be pulling the strings and it gives Alexa a chance to work with the beautifully talented Susan Lucci.

As far as today's episode goes, I loved, loved, LOVED the interaction between Kendall & Josh. I have wanted these two to be close since I found out he was a Kane. They are doing a great job of improving the relationship between Josh and the Kane women. I love the progress they've made. I love that they bonded and I love that Kendall told Josh she loves him. All Josh wanted was to be a part of a family, but he didn't know how to. He's finally learning. That scene put a tears to my eyes.

I really hate Greenlee. She gets to decide how Jack is involved in her life? Jackson wants to help her. She only wants Jack to support her on her terms. When she wants it. She wanted Jack to support her relationship with Ryan, she wanted Jack to support her decision to have a child. There's a reason why Jack didn't and when he didn't, she cut him out of her life. Jackson has put up with more than enough with that pitiful excuse for an offspring. It's time to cut his loses and move on.

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I loved today's episode and can't say enough good things about it. I SO love the fact that Josh hasn't been portrayed as the "fetus" since McTavish was fired. Alden and the interim writers did a good job of establishing he's related to Kendall & Binks, the son of Jeff & Erica, without bringing up that he's the aborted fetus. Unlike McTavish who did her best to remind us on a daily basis. Good work to the AMC team.

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Yeah, I too Ryan do not see Josh as the fetus. I mean yes that is how he was brought onto the show.... but the writers are actively trying not to remind us of who he is.... and making him a brother to Kendall, and a son to Erica, but not forcing agendas like Megan was. Jeff being gone was the first step. Jeff on recurring... yeah we will never see him again. Thank goodness.

Erica today.... she was being true to character in my opinion. Babe did help Kendall.... so therefore she would owe Babe gratitude. She made it clear that Babe has hurt her family and yes that is still an issue.... but right now her main focus is Kendall, and her main focus of hate is Greenlee. As Kylie said..... Erica has always used people she hates to help her oust people she hates more. I think B&E so far have written Erica 10 times better than mcTavish did. Susan is loving it too.

Kendall not knowing which baby to be with... I felt her pain. Day after day Lish just keeps showing us more. Love her so much!

Adam Chandler.... swooping in while Zach is down. Typical of the silver haired scoundrel isn't it? :lol:

Erica: Amanda, more that chair

Amanda: Huh? :lol:

Love Erica giving orders! And Babe is all like what did I do now? LOL

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When McTavish was writing Josh was NOT Tolarable in my opinion but now scince B&E were writing they make Josh like a kind family! :) I like the Kendell/Josh scenes because they are getting closer. I do not think McT would ever have scenes like those.

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