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AMC: Wednesday

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Welcome to Wednesday's Discussion of All My Children..


Today on All My Children..
-Spike regains consciousness, which brings happiness to both Kendall and Ryan.
-Jack believes the best thing to do is for Greenlee to leave Pine Valley.
-Ava is moved by Jonathan’s appeal.
-Ryan breaks down when he finds something about Spike.

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My LORD Jackson is HOT. WW just gets better with age :wub::wub:

Low blow Ava :o

Loved seeing Spike's big eyes looking at Kendall :)

Greenlee and Aidan don't have any chemistry yet. She has more with Josh.

I thought for one second that Kendall was going to say, "You're grandmother Erica" but no such luck :lol:

Greenlee you and Jack need to have, "The Talk".

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Hopefully B&E don't spend too much time on Greenlee/Aidan... they simply don't work. Aidan needs to be written out. He's useless.

Sabine has been the star of the day if you ask me. I loved her pouring out her emotions and all that happend. I still hate what Greenlee did and she deserves all that's coming to her, but Sabine did a great job acting it.

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Know what I do when I see Aiden & Greenlee?


*wakes up*

"Oh their still on?"


Oh good, they're off. Zendall's back on.

Anyways...........another good episode thus far. Alicia again has my heart in her hands. That woman has really stepped up her game.

For the first time in a while, I am actually able to look past the creepiness of Jonathan & Ava/Lily relationship. As I've said before, if Levin wasn't so young, I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I realized, she's an actress. She's doing a job. There are older actresses who work with younger actors. Today is the first day that I liked Jonathan/Ava.

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Greens and aidan don't even make sense. :lol: Greens needs a man that will go toe to toe with her, if they put her with aidan we definantly will be seeing a rylee reunion because they can't be serious about the G/A pairing. :lol: I still want gosh, but I can definantly see why josh is backing off from greens, he doesn't want to upset his family. Aidan has been on amc how long without a storyline, you would think the actor would take a hint? He just gets passed on from woman to woman, to me at least the only woman he really clicked with was kendall.

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I knew Ava ws going to low blow Jack by throwing Greenlee's latest trouble in his face....Gotta love that girl.

Greenlee will never accept that Spike is Ryan and Kendall's so she will always be forever plagued with the notion that the little boy should be hers and only hers..

All I have to say about Jonathan is...Stalker much? That is one person that has a deep rooted obsession; just back off and let Ava come running to you.

The scenes with Kendall talking to the baby were touching...just seeing how tiny he was....Also loved the Annie/Zach conversation...

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I went in open minded to Gaidan (because part of me wants to fight Gosh), but they truly did suck. Gosh doesn't suck and in time that is the place the show should go. But for right now they're doing the right thing for the character of Josh - having him be on his family's side (but without being "evil" to Greenlee) instead of the side of his penis. In the end, that'll work very well for both his character and the Gosh relationship.

The show does get that they're writing Greenlee selfish and sort of unrepentive, right? Trying to take credit for being a hero, blaming everybody else for HER actions, wahing about HER pain. "He was supposed to be MINE." "I couldn't hurt Kendall no matter how badly she hurt ME." (Pfft) "Kendall made ME take the baby." I hope they do. They probably do.

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He'll probably always have a job as long as Frons has a job.

Yeah yet is a keyword, maybe they'll click eventually. Who knows...

I almost wanted to kiss her in that moment. Loved the low blow, in your face!

I was on the edge of my seat to see if it would happen, lol. That could have been a Friday cliffhanger.

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It's funny (not so much). Danielle gets written out, Simone gets killed off and Reggie and Brooke vanish into thin air -- and yet TIIC are still trying desperately to give this bland, boring Aidan character played by a bland, boring actor last ditch efforts at romantic storyline for the past five years.

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I tried to keep an open mind as well but I didn't feel anything when they were onscreen. I did with Gosh and that would be a great story to bring the family back together. I know people will hate this but I always loved Aidan's chemistry with Lily and my fantasy was to have a romantic try between those two :wub:

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