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AMC: Wednesday

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Insomnia Ryan

Holy wake up call BatRyan! So Kendall today sees her beloved little bumpkin baby wake up (he is adorable, isn't he?) and Ryan is actually sound asleep ready to snore and possibly wake up a deep sleeper who is off dreaming about Michael Jackson undoing his plastic surgery and becoming a sane person. But I still say he will touch on everything especially little boys. But yea so Ryan I guess does not have that superhero power touch in him to stay up all night and be an insomniac and actually see his son wake up at the first sight of dawn. Well poor poor Ryan he now has a fault in him and is no longer infallible and a true superhero so with all the faults in mind let's see what else could go wrong as he lies asleep. The world could be melting over seeing Pamela Anderson's rack until it is all floating belly up into the sea. Ryan wakes up today and well that has not happened but instead he sobs to Annie and breaks down over Spike's condition. Well yea I have some sympathy for him but you know with his life being one woe is me story after another it is just the same MO for Ryan to cry at everything from spilled milk to his not being able to save a horse and ride a cowboy to Roseanne's singing. Yep just one woe is me story after another and nothing good ever comes from that philosophy I tell ya. So let's cry a little more...cry for Faith Hill, cry for Sally Menstrual, cry for Muffy and Buffy as they get rejected from Harvard, cry for the four a$$ed ape with genital warts, cry cry

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Nice to see the Aidan support always...i've always liked his character but I have to say he and Greenlee were rather boring today. I like her with Josh a lot better. They do need to stop giving Aidan romances that either never get played out or where the woman ends up leaving town

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I know this may sound harsh or unsympathetic but I am beyond tired of Greenlee and Ava's self pity fests.

Ava: wah.....drugs.....wah not as good as Lily....wah....

Greenlee: wah.....i'm a hero wah....baby....mine...wah

I just couldn't feel for Greenlee today. Her and her tantrum at the beach was just too much. I understand her pain and I understand why she took Spike. But she needs to stop with that hero bit. She didn't save him.

And if I hear one more time about Ava calling herself a second rate Lily I will scream.

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