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OLTL Discussion: Week of July 30th

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Welcome to the One Life to Live Discussion Thread for the week of July 30th, 2007. It looks to be another fun week on OLTL. Also remember that starting this week, OLTL will reference the number 10,000 in each episode. See if you can find it. Hope you enjoy your visit and are prepared to discuss the interworkings of Llanview, PA and OLTL. If so, then you're in the right place.

So let the discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live begin...
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You know, I think I've been a pretty good and loyal poster over here, but even I get tired of fighting every single day with you folks about characters I enjoy watching. I'm taking a little break from here and letting you guys have it for a bit. ;)

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The show overall was very lackluster IMO. My biggest problem with today, besides the fact that it was another John and Marty day, was that there weren't enough Jessica and Nash scenes in the episode. It seems like when couples finally get together and have a chance to be happy is when you hardly see them.

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Cord and Tina! I just finished watching my recording of AMC and the first scene on OLTL was this. My favorite couple EVER in daytime history. I screamed but then had to rememebr they arent on the show. Please OLTL bring them back. The second they announce that those 2 return, is the day I start watching the show again. Nothing would make me happier.

I just had to comment that they had Sarah looking at that pic but the baby in it wasnt her. That was CJ. Karen Witter's Tina gave birth to Sarah.


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Overall it was a good episode. I really like the new Sarah, and she is fun with Rex and Christian. I like it when Christian's not brooding. I also liked Viki and Starr, as well as Dorian/Adriana/Layla. Let me just say that Tika Sumpter as Layla is awesome. She's definitely come into her own on the show, and while I admire that the writers are stick with the Vincent/Layla throughline I hope they either make Vincent worth the girl's time or give her a really exciting new romance.

Of course, the weak links were the always irritating Saybrooke family <_< It's funny; I really liked Brandon Buddy and Christina Chambers when they were first introduced but my interest in them both has waned. Brandon Buddy, for days now, has been out-performed by Eddie Alderson. Christina Chambers is failing to realize the levity of her character's situation and failing to recognize the inherent strength that the Marty Saybrooke character should inhabit. Either recast them both or have the Saybrookes find out that their beloved Patrick is alive and leave town looking for him.

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Enjoyed Viki and Starr, but I always do. I just love their relationship.

Layla and Vincent are really good together, so I hope that develops more and I LOVE it when ever I can get me some Shaun.

I hope Rex doesn't take Adriana back, she doesn't deserve him.

Really enjoying Cris, Rex and Sarah. It never fails one of those boys always do something that makes me laugh when they are with Sarah. I love it when they give her a hard time. I really like the character, even though she is a rich brat.

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The only time I find myself remotely enjoying Adriana is when she's sharing a scene with Dorian. Maybe they should actually do a decent storyline involving these two. I loved Dorian with Layla and Shaun. As for Adriana, her admitting that she was wrong for what she did to Rex isn't going to save the already doomed couple. If Rex had any sense, he would step totally away from her.

For once, I see some hope in the Vincent character. I have to wonder though if it's Higley or Ron writing this little storyline for him; because others would have over looked the great conflict within the character that it's causing.

This Cristian/Sarah/Rex mess is like a flashback to Cristian/Jessica/Will... only in this case, I'm not feeling the girl. Why can't Cristian have a good developed relationship with someone outside of the Buchanan/Lord family (and no, compared to Jessica and Natalie TPTB didn't do his relationship with Evangeline any justice especially with the way it ended), because I see this heading for a Cristian/Sarah pairing.

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Yesterdays show was ok. Dena is still credited. <_<

Too much Marty and John. I had to FF for them! They are now anoying! :angry:

I liked the Viki/Stars scenes, I also liked the Adriana/Dorian scenes! :)

I FF thriugh the Cole/Mathew scenes.

Did anyone catch the 10,000 mention?

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Good question. As of now, I don't think so. Both of them seem to be in some serious denial if they do have any sort of feelings for one another.

I watched the show for the first time in awhile. It wasn't bad. I thought John and Miles played off each other really well. I liked Miles not backing down from John and calling him on his crap.

I'm glad Antonio said he wasn't going to forgive Jessica. He shouldn't. She did him and Jamie wrong.

Todd and Blair actually had an adult conversation about his feelings for Evangeline. I'm sure these two will end up together eventually but at least they know they have a long way to go before they can get back to the way things were before Spencer came to town.

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