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DAYS: Where are the LOVE scenes?

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OK it's a rainy Saturday so I spent part of today looking at old DOOL clips on YouTube and came across this...

It's John and Gina's submarine sex from some years back. While I find the scene actually more HILARIOUS than HOT because it's so trashy (finger licking, pouring champagne around like in a rap video) I still love it and it occurred to me while watching it that we have gotten practically NO LOVE SCENES from this show since Hogan Sheffer became head writer. Did Corday have to sell all the beds for firewood to afford bringing everybody back for the summer? Because last time I checked: sex sells.

According to spoilers,

, why can't they SHOW US that rather than TELL US that?

And it's not just this one instance. Often we see people coming back from commercial break having had sex or see people start to make out and get to imagine maybe they had sex, but there is really practically no love or romance on this show to speak of and I think that is a big reason why ratings have suffered.

Now while as an EJami fan I was happy to be spared from Lumi sex during their honeymoon, I still think it was ridiculous the show gave the couple a wedding COUCH and no honeymoon sex scenes. And obviously I am not happy about the sex he has given EJ and Sami either. While I am not expecting that situation to change for quite a while with her now really pregnant and all that has happened, I also am wondering if we are even going to get romantic scenes between Santo and Colleen being shown in flashbacks or it's just going to be even more exposition.

I'll also say I think it's unfair the way Shelle fans have been treated. They got one moment on the island after waiting 8 years for Shawn and Belle to get together for real... and that's all there is? Steve and Kayla fans got maybe one love scene when Steve got his memory back but then they also had to make him crazy and now Kayla isn't even on the show while she is taping "Soap Star." John and Marlena are not my cup of tea but their fans have legitimate gripes about the way those characters have been used. Kate is chaste now. As are Max and Billie. And Bo and Hope... they have been writing them so great lately I am falling in love with them all over again so would it kill them to give them a moment of passion in the midst of all their sleuthing to get to the bottom of the mystery of the feud? It seems the only people who are getting carefree, fun sex are two of the newest and most hated: Stephanie and Jeremy. And that isn't shown either. Just them coming out of the bedroom hungry for pizza. It's ridiculous.

I just don't get why this show can't mix in a little sex for fun and love along with the mystery and drama. Because it has improved so much in those aspects in the last two months but we're still stuck with a serious lack of romance.

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Sheffer just sucks. He leaves out all the details viewers want to see to keep us guessing.... and we wait for some big reveal that he promises that will explain everything... but it never comes.

I was so so so thrilled to see him gone from ATWT, and I wouldn't have wished him on any other soap. Poor Days got sucked in to the Sheffer hype.

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To me J&M are being soooooo childish, ridiculously silly and immature. I don't enjoy them one bit together and have no desire to see them making love at all....ever. I read that Dee used a body double to do her bed rolling with Roman in the castle. That was two or three years ago. Most likely she'd have to do that again.

I don't enjoy graphic love scenes. To me it's like trying to watch a stranger go potty LOL.

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Thanks!. John and Marlena Evans Black are the most riciculously persons ever, they are sixty at least she is, and they are like to teenagers, some while ago, i saw a episode where they where dining at tuscany and they where going to dance, and Marlena tells John- You Havn`t Said it.

and John answers- What

Marlena answers- You havn`t told me how much you love me, always when we go up to dance you tell me how much you love me, and they kiss, and me and my mom who also saw this we laughed so much cause it sounded so false, it has to bee a 2001 episode,,,,,,,........!!!!!!!!

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If Sex Sells then maybe they should move the series to a adult channell and they could replace the actors with Adult Pornstars, then it becomes sex, like you said Sex Sells aparently, but looking at love between Marlena and John who has been married for such a long time ago, and they still behave like newly inlove fifteen years old love teenagers. That`s just what i think............

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It's a reflection of wider flaws in Hogan's writing, IMO. Alot of his "dramatic" scenes tend to be portrayed as non-events. Stefano returns after a 6 year absence and his first scene with John & Marlena is a friendly cup of tea in the Brady pub. Willow's death involved an inocuous looking bump on the head. LUMI's wedding ceremoy, which could have had tons of dramatic tension, was blink and you'll miss it stuff. And let's not forget the number of important reveals that have taken place off-screen (Abe's reaction to Lexie's disapperance, Marlena's reaction to the kidney theft etc). Since a love scene is often the climax (no pun intended) of a couple's story, it requires the same dramatic flair that Hogan has failed to apply to these other scenes. When a writer is so impatient about jumping from plot point to plot point, the excitement of individual "moments" tends to be lost.

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If sex sells then perhaps Passions (and JER) has the right idea! Shipping it off to a cable channel which will allow it to be as sexy, steamy, and SLEAZY as it possibly can be. In a recent interview, JER pretty much guaranteed a show of upgraded sex, steaminess, and sleaze, which sounds to me more like a porn flick than a soap!

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Well, most of the actors DID sign on to DirecTV and so I would assume that they knew what they were getting into. I'm not sure if the new version of Passions will be classified as a "pornsoap" but from the sound of JER's interview (and the fact that he seems to like the smut that he's written so far) it'll be as close to a porn flick as can be allowed!

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This clip was from July 1999, it was Not JER, it was a scene from The Princess Gina story written by Sussman Morina. She wrote lots of hot love scenes, not only between John and Gina, but also between Nicholas Alamain and Kate Roberts. She did wrote some awful love scenes too, like the one between Roman and Billie in 1998.

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