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GL: 06/21

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So I thought I would start a topic about the show! It was the first GL episode I've seen in awhile!!

I think that DK/EW are missing an opportunity here...they should have made Lizzie and Reva some type of friends almost a faux mother/daughter relationship especially if Jonathan/Tom doesn't return! Missed opportunity, however I love when Reva and Billy share scenes!

Mallet and Dinah...I like them together but this was weird! And Frank arrives at Cedars, "Mallet who would want to shoot Dinah?" Really Frank? Cassie for starters! Or at least she did when she came home a few summers back! Duh! Cassie kidnapped her and held her at gunpoint.

Nicole Forrester sound bad today :( I hope she feels better real soon! :(

That said I really like NF but I hate the way they are writing her now. She was really good at the crazy when Tammy died, but man this is to the point of just stupidity! I do like her and Beth going at one another!! And what is up with Josh and the whole preaching thing...WOW I need some of that stuff DK was smoking when they came up with this. And if you are going to committ to a storyline like this follow through: Josh a man of the cloth would not be offering Rick a beer! I'm pretty sure Jesus doesn't like drinking and I don't think those doing his work here on Earth should be promoting it! DUH!


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I agree! It's good to see the faces of the Billy, Vanessa and Matt...but the stories blow!

So it would appear that Beth Chamberlain's little slip up at the SoapNet Emmy show is going to come to pass...

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The stories have been good to me.

I don't see how it's out of character that Josh wants to be a minister, which we have seen gradually develop as he felt that he had to give back to the community and as he had conversations with Rev. Rutledge over the past few months, including many moments of self-doubt. Josh has often been a bit judgmental and self-righteous after all (not that ministers are necessarily like that).

As for the beer, the show has been making the point that being a minister doesn't mean Josh has to be a puritan or pefect. For instance, last week, Cassie swore in Rev. Rutledge's presence, was embarrassed, and then tried to tell Rev. Rutledge that Josh never swears -- and Rev. Rutledge said there is a swear jar in his house that can probably pay for his child's college education by now!

You should have seen the episodes earlier this week, they were even better than today's. The story of Matt under threat because of Mallet's past, and Mallet and Dinah scrambling to deal with that, has been great. Also Gus getting to know his son Rafe, and how Harley has handled it, has been great too.

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The problem with this is that Phillip is not involved. It was a big mistake to let Grant Aleksander go. The show has NOT been the same since he left. The show is missing that spark he brought to the show.

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I agree the show is missing something HUGE without having Grant or Phillip there! As for the Josh stuff I see nowhere in his character that he would be a minister! And I have never met a minister that cussed or at least admitted to it in public sort of practice what you preach, but like literally! And I don't think any minister would encourage drinking, it just goes against the word of God you know it's one thing to drink wine when taking communion (sp?) but not just to shoot the breeze!

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I agree, depends on denomination. GL is trying to go back to it's roots and i think that they are trying to put back some spirituality tone to the soap. Still,like you said he is not a minister.

I think Beth vs Cassie scene was a great one today. Reva holds Jonathan's photo...hint hint...he is coming back

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Well if you ask me it's these kind of relationships that the show has lacked some time, instead they mostly want to focus on the plot all the time. The only that this has proven not be true is the friendship that Alex and Cyrus have formed, which is so out of the norm for DK. With this friendship, I'm kind of looking forward to Alex(Marj does quite well in sentimental scenes like these) confiding in Cyrus about how she lost her son Lujack, but with the current TPTB, I know that day will not come.

I agree with you so much on Billy and Reva scenes.

Like I've said before it seems like DK is digging out of the bottom of the barrel to find a story for these two. It would have made alot of scense if DK decided to have had the secret taken place when Mallet was Anthony Camelotti, and not after he and the "Oh so great Harley" broke up. When Mallet was Anthony he was basically involved with the mob (maybe not involved, but they were in his orbit). Lots of potential there to cause drama between Dinah and Mallet, not to mention his first love Francesca. But oh well a part of me can understand because the audience is still weary of the mob invasion GL suffered years ago. I stil don't get this story though. There's alot of potential being squandered here and elsewhere.

She did sound bad, I hope she feels better too. Somehow her voice got me to thinking that she would ROCK as a villain on the show than Ms. Perfect Holier thou Cassie Layne Winslow. Which lead to think that I would accept Cassie and Josh only if Cassie had not been Reva's sister, instead had simply been some new character introduced to pair Josh with.

I soo agree.

I really liked that scene. I'm trying to think back to when was the last time I've seen these two go at it, or at least be pitted against each other...wasn't it when Beth was involved with Edmund? Also don't Beth and Vanessa dislike each other too?

Yeah this came out of nowhere for me too. I would call it a "Ellen Weston" moment.

You know when I first heard of this I was thinking, "If Josh is a man of the cloth, then they must be getting ready do a storyline involving Reva getting posessed or something, ala John/Marlena DAYS!" Laughing out loud. Just kiddin, I don't think DK would go that far. Hhhmmm

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i heard my pastor cuss in front of me on several occasions but again I think it depends on your denomination. i'm United Chruch of Christ. Not Church of Christ, but United. Anyways.... the mallet/dinah/griggs drama was pretty good i thought. it was the first thing in a while on the show i thought that had some build up to make it interesting. i wonder if griggs is gone. i loved the actor when he was on all my children as an angel so that would be cool if they kept him although griggs is WAY different from Jesse. i'm tired of beth going back and forth on alan. one minute she hates him and the next she wants to marry him. they always write some characters on soaps like they have to be so dependent on having a lover or something. i thought it was interesting that rafe has diabetes because i'm sure everyone would naturally assume that his syringe was for drugs or something. i hope they have a good cliffhanger tomorrow!

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jacks, looks like Griggs is in the preview for Friday. I agree about liking the actor -- I saw him as a ghost on AMC, although I didn't watch the show when his character was alive. Also, I agree, Beth does keep changing her mind. Hopefully this thing that's supposed to happen in a couple weeks will make sense by the time we get to that point. I like how they have Rafe having diabetes too. The stuff with Rafe is just going to keep on getting more delicious when he finds out the English teacher was Harley's brother, haha. I wonder what he's going to do now that he knows Daisy is part of Harley's life in some way. When will Daisy find out?

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