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AMC: Thursday

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I am really impressed with this Ryannie wedding. The location shooting is so gorgeous. I love the outdoors, the lighting, the sound. The music they played at the beginning was really great. How cute is little Emma? And then of course Greenlee drives up in that awesome car. The only bad thing about it is that loser Jonathan.

I'm loving Jack/Erica too. He just said he's trying to prove to her that they are still in love :) I love the new New Beginnings set.

Again, no Babe, JR, Krystal. ;) Balance is lovely nowadays!

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Ryannie zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

LMAO Ryan "For the first time in my life I love completely" I guess Gillian, Kendall and Greenlee were all detours to true love Annie

Zen and Jack & Erica are the only good parts about today.

I hate that Lily is being wasted on this Ava ish

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Jack: "I would have caught you." :wub: I am falling in love with Jerica all over again after today. These scenes are so emotional, sweet, and tender. Susan and Walt are doing a great job. I'm definitely rooting for this couple. Oh and btw, that Pam is a keeper - she's fun!

Between Jack/Erica and Ryannie's vows - I'm getting a little teary-eyed! Today is classic All My Children in my opinion. What a great show - we have an older couple talking through their feelings and struggling to come back together - we have a gorgeous wedding with the middle-age crowd, with a little drama that is Kenlee - and we have younger sisters coming together to learn about each other. All generations are represented, and we don't have any crazy out of this world storylines taking over. Just classic, traditional AMC. :)

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To bad my meetings were not scheduled for today....I enjoy Jack and Erica and enjoyed their scenes yesterday. Sounds like their is a continuation of those. I do feel that their is unfinished business between them that will hopefully play out this summer.

The location shoot for the Ryannie wedding was awesome and I cannot wait to see Ryannie's reaction when Greenlee says that she and Ryan are still LEGALLY wed.

I think that Greens has some psycho tendencies, but I do not think she will turn psycho. Liking how the balance has been with the show the last few days.

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Well Greenlee just found out about Ryan being Emma's father. She has a little psycho in her eyes, but I don't think she'll really go crazy either. Sabine is a good actress, so that is getting me through - but I just wish Rebecca were here playing this out.

I just have to say this too - every set on today's episode is new this year. Just 3 months ago, none of these sets were around. That makes the show easier to watch when you're not seeing the same old set and characters every day.

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Kendall was so cute when she came running back to the wedding and said she was pregnant and was in the bathroom. I just really love how Kendall is over Ryan and how she is happy for him and Annie together. She is all about Zach and Spike - and that is where her heart is 100%. Seeing Zach and Kendall sitting there together at the wedding is so cute.

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That's why they have lasted for 20 years :) . They are so good together that every time they come back together they make you love them all over again. I loved the snow story and had tears in my eyes. I loved their FINALLY talking about what happened (though I don't believe that finding herself crap for a minute. Erica has ALWAYS known who she was and that was pathetic writing by MMT) and how they brought up Jeff and Barbara and began another battle. I love Jack when he is the schemer and Erica doesn't know what he is up to :lol: .

I can tell you that Susan and Walt are LOVING this story and are having a blast doing it. Its a great blend of their history , chemistry and is allowing them to do some comedy at the same time

I can't stand this Jonathan/Ava/Lily thing :( . I have no desire to see that one at all. I'd rather see Ava with any other man (and Lily too).

Little Emma is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I liked Greenlee/Kendall even though it was all about Ryan <_<

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I really loved Jack & Erica today. That is classic AMC!

The rest of the show unfortunately is not. Ryan declared Annie his one true love? I thought maybe my hearing was going so I rewound and he did. This is an insult to Gillian and Kendall, at the very least. I wish the show hadn't wasted such a beautiful-looking remote on this uninteresting couple.

Greenlee's reaction to Kendall & the news about Emma made me miss Rebecca Budig so much. She would have brought the fire, the edge, the smugness that is lacking. Right now, Greenlee really is Annie's double and both of them are boring women without any life in them.

Once again, Alicia Minshew gave a great performance. She's almost salvaging this story for me, but I still don't care enough about NotGreenlee or Annie to be invested in what happens next.

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Im officially a Kendall fan again! Ive been loving her since MMT left but she was abasolutely amazing today. She was so great and I loved her putting the Green Monster in her place. Kendall rocks and I love how much she has changed. I love that she has finally accepted that Annie isnt some evil person who's out to take her place in Ryan's life and I liked that she said that Annie has been good with Spike which is true. Annie would be a MUCH better stepmother for her child than immature Greenlee

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I noticed that most of this episode took place out of the AMC "norm."

The wedding was a remote.

New Beginning was on The View soundstage.

The only scenes that were on AMC territory were the Lily/Ava scenes and the Kendall/FakeLee scenes in the playhouse. I wonder whose salary they hacked to pieces to do all of this? :unsure: This is like the third location shoot in just a few weeks. Zoe's video was on location, Ryannie's beach adventure was on location, now this.

That said, I fast forwarded through most of it. I liked the Kendall/FakeLee chase across the grounds. That was cute. Lish and Sabine can't run for crap, which had me laughing my ass off! :lol: Arms all flailing every which way.

But I thought the entire remote was done beautifully. I wonder when it was taped, because it's been downright chilly up here in the northeast until about 2-3 weeks ago for them to all be out there in sleeveless dresses and such.

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