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Paris Hilton sentenced to 45 days in jail


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1st off where did I say "Everyone has to agree with me"? Of course this is a message board and I would be stupid to think you'd all magically change your opinions about her. However I can say what I want to say about the situation and I find it sad. Like I said she's NOT above the law and she does need to follow the rules. But the facts are that shes not doing anything that any other 21 to 26 year old is doing these days in college and post college.

No the world does not revolve around Paris....once again where did I say that? You can take my comments however you want to and call it a "lecture" if you like but its the truth. All this giggling like school girls over a young woman going to jail is quite extreme and beyond ridiculous in the grand scheme of things. Like you've said before free speech right? I find it silly/hilarious and yet sad because all the statements are but a minute fraction of the acid/venom thats probably going to be spewed all over the internet by tomorrow...lol. Yet 45 days later Paris will still be Paris and nothing will have changed or made her life that much worse.

I could mention hundreds of more worthwhile things to talk about instead of Paris and her most recent headline but I don't want to be accused of "changing the spotlight" so I'll step aside and allow the Paris bashing to resume. I'm sure Paris will get through this and be a little more careful to follow the rules. Shes not my idol by any means but I don't think shes some monster and I'm not afraid to admit that I'm fan of hers.

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Well I'm glad you realize this, I was starting to get worried there for a minute. I didn't say that you said that the world revovled around her, I was just making a point. And again when someone is in the public eye or should I say in her case, when someone puts themselves in the public eye, its a fact what they say and do will be watched. What you believe may be the truth to YOU but it is not to me. It is just an opinion, not gospel. It is how you view it. Just because you say doesn't make it so. If you want to talk about other things besides Paris, well the off-topic board is there at your disposal to start a new thread; thats what it is for. It is just a fact that not everyone is going to like her and if she gets bashed, so what? I do believe you mentioned before that she probably wouldn't care otherwise. This isn't a Paris fan board anyway, so anything is said and anything goes.

Sorry, I'm within that age range and you dont see me out driving drunk (btw, that is so irresponsible to do in the first place) getting caught, being put on parole and then breaking it. I can speak more than two syllable sentences and I'm not out posing for the camera and doing other stupid things to keep my name in everyone's mouth. There is more to life than just partying all the time. That is great that you are a fan of hers, no one is telling that you shouldn't be but not everyone is going to like her. Thats the truth.

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Did I say that I personally drive drunk? No....but I do drink. And I do party hard. But I also work hard. After all theres no point in living if you can't feel alive.

And yeah she did a bad thing but the way people are looking at it you'd think Paris committed 1st Degree Murder. I leave those kinda judgments up to the big man upstairs.

I just find it pretty horrible how nasty and spiteful some of the comments are. I'm not going to say anything more on the subject but suffice to say that this isn't going to change Paris.

PS She can do a lot more than those things you mentioned btw....

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Let me explain something to you. Crime is crime, and if you do the crime.......well you know the rest. You see, I work in the hospital. You have no idea how many people I see, Monthly, recovering from an accident related to Drunk Driving. I'm going to just come out and say this. In Eight years of Practice, I have seen more people dead in my hospital because of issues related to alcohol and drunk driving than I have related to Murder. No death is justified, but myself as a professional would rather see one death because of Murder, than 4 or 5 because of Drunk Driving. I think you are young. I am basing that off of your post. Maybe you dont even drive yet. Whatever. I don't think you understand drunk driving. It impairs judgement. Paris Hilton hit like a pole, I believe. Well she could have hit some children walking home from school. Just because it didn't happen didn't mean it could not have happened. Paris could have just as well hit an old lady, because she was drunk, and drunk impairs your judgement, no matter who. Paris got Lucky! That is all. Let's not excuse her because she is famous. She did wrong and deserves more jail time. She is a little bitch, who has also thrown out racial slurs, and we all know about the tape. Negating all of that, she drove a car drunk which is against the law and she should be punished to the highest extent.

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I agree with every single word of your post and your previous ones. I don't have the eloquence of words at the moment, but you and Jay exemplified every reason why Paris Hilton has become such a plague in society. This bitch is not that special and especially not above the law. Maintianing her dominace in the gossip rags and clubs is not paramount to the lives she endangered with her drunken antics. She was let off with probabtion but that sanction still didn't interfere with her penchant for driving under the influence.

I hope she breaks all of her nails scrubbing the toilets.

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The more pressing issue, IMO, is that what happens if she disregards the law again and someone ends up getting killed because of her stupidity? Is she just going to say that it's not fair that she has to be punished? It's one thing if it was the first time. This was her THIRD offense, and making light of it shows that she's going to continue with the bad behavior until someone gets hurt or possibly dies.

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Jail-bond socialite Paris Hilton is so hot the long arm of the law won't stop hitting on her. At least that's what the hotel heiress griped in an interview given before a judge slapped her with a 45-day stint in the slammer.

"I think I get in more trouble just because of who I am," the 26-year-old multimillionaire party girl tells Harper's Bazaar in the interview hitting newsstands May 22.

"The cops do it all the time," insists "The Simple Life" reality TV star. "They'll just pull me over to hit on me. It's really annoying. They're like, 'What's your phone number? Want to go to dinner?'"

Hilton appears on the glossy magazine's June cover with her equally legally challenged sidekick Nicole Richie. Richie was busted on DUI charges in December after two motorists reported her SUV was going the wrong way on a California freeway.

Wearing zebra-print outfits meant to resemble jail stripes, the two starlets are pictured in a Harper's Bazaar photo shoot running from models dressed as policemen.

But even when the cops do catch up with her, they usually don't write her up, Hilton says in the interview. "They just pull me over, and the paparazzi, of course, take a picture," she fumes. "All the time. I have so many cops' business cards."

Of course, not all cops have been smitten by her pouty lips, blond hair extensions and long legs. She's going to the poky because she didn't keep her powdered nose clean after a Hollywood cop hit on her with a drunken-driving arrest in September.

The celebutante sobbed in her mother's arms when the sentencing judge blasted her Friday as a scofflaw for violating her probation by driving with a suspended license even after another cop had given her a written warning.

She was still sobbing over the weekend as her parents, Kathy and Rick Hilton, tried to pull strings to keep her out of a 12-by-8-foot cell at the Century Regional Detention Facility for women in Lynwood, Calif., friends said. "Kathy and Rick are exploring ways to try to get her sentence reduced," a source said. "That includes approaching politicians, including Gov. [Arnold] Schwarzenegger."

Another source said Kathy Hilton was brainstorming ways to financially capitalize on Paris' trip to the clink. Mama Hilton has been reaching out to NBC and TV celebrity shows, pitching an exclusive interview with Paris and her. Despite being heirs to Barron Hilton's $1 billion legacy, Kathy and Rick Hilton can't pass up a windfall when they see one - even one potentially unflattering to the family, the source said.

"Even if something bad happens - like Paris' sex tape - the family finds a way to capitalize on it," said the source, referring to Hilton's infamous Internet porn tape made with ex-boyfriend Rick Salomon. "They're not so rich that they can ignore the money that could be made off an interview. In fact, I could see them spinning it off into a whole new reality show."

Meanwhile, Paris Hilton is in the market for a new publicist after firing famed mouthpiece Elliot Mintz yesterday for passing her bad information on her suspended driver's license. Mintz tried to take the fall Friday, telling a judge he had incorrectly told the poor little rich girl she could drive for "work-related" purposes. "I told her that I assume personal responsibility for my part in this matter. ... Due to this misunderstanding, I am no longer representing Paris," Mintz said in a statement released yesterday.

She'll need all the positive spin she can get as her legal problems mount. A $10 million civil trial in which model and actress Zeta Graff is accusing Hilton of slander is scheduled to begin today.

But until she has to report to the lockup on June 5, Hilton can live her simple life of shopping, sunning and dining out. "If it's the weekend, I have parties at my house," she told Harper's Bazaar, "because only cheese-balls go out on the weekend.

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First ofd act7 I'm not shoving anything down your throat. I'm simply defending Paris and pointing out how pathetic some of the tirades against this one woman are. Crime is crime and I think hers isn't that big a deal. Of course she still has to pay but the fact is that you don't want her to pay because she committed a crime. You want her to pay because you hate her...at least thats my opinion and I'm sticking to it (see I'm not "putting words in your mouth"). I just believe that some people hate her and want to see bad thing happen to her regardless of whether she deserves it (as in this case) or not. So please don't try to use the noble route. I've already said that yes she did a crime and now needs to serve the time.

2nd that article is hilarious... I love Paris! This won't even hurt her one bit. Its not as if shes going to Rikers or something...HAHA. That's NOT Hot...

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