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Why is Megan McTavish's name back in the credits??? Hopefully this is a mistake.

I'm excited about Josh/Hannah sex - mainly bc they've had great sexual chemistry so far, and it isn't BABE! lol

GO JULIA! You stand up to Ryan and take charge of Wildwind. Don't let those Lavery boys run YOUR castle!

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LOL @Josh.

I hope Julia makes good on her threat to kick whoever is packing heat out of Wildwind. Jonathan has no business even living there.

I love Kendall but please STFU. Annie is in the right to be afraid of psycho Jonathan. He hasn't changed all that much and Ryan is not going to put on his cape to save the day.

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Speaking of Babe - the girl isn't on today! BALANCE BABY! Babe is in last place for May Episode Counts right now ;) hahaha

Anyway - I agree QSteph - Annie so has a right to be scared of Jonathan. I'm loving their interaction though - they are working better together more and more. They seem comfortable together.

Interesting to see what Greenlee is up to today with her letters.

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I'm guessing maybe McTavish will continue getting credit for any ACS episode until the guy is dead or gone for good? Wasn't the Satin Slayer her last major storyline she saw from beginning to now end? Maybe that's why....?

Josh is f'ing hot today - my love for him is totally coming back.

LOL at Ava trying to flirt with Sean. "OMG that sucks. Wanna go to the mall?" The little study/sunroom they were in was a nice new set. I know I'm the only one really obsessed with this set balance thing - but the show gets boring when they use the same sets over and over. I'm loving the set balance lately.

I'm also really enjoying the work environment at Cambias Industries, with Zach/Lily/Josh/Hannah - and Kendall's visits. Great new work set/storyline - gives us a little break from Fusion too.

Kendall had a great point though. Annie was all ok with Jonathan taking a gun and killing Terry - so what's different with ACS? As much as I hate Jonathan and think he's still crazy, and how he shouldn't be around Emma at all anyway, Kendall had a good point.

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I love how the new writers are reworking some of the character's views on Jonathan! First Di, Annie, and now Julia is so throwing Jonathan's history in his face and not showing 100% reinstilled trust in the Lavery brother. I'm loving Julia today!

I like how Di and Del are being incorporated into all this - at least they are writing them with something to do.

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It's about damn time all of Jonathan's crap stopped being white washed. The guy is a straight up killer and pedophile.

Kendall is pissing me off with her praise of the reformed Johnboy. He's not so brand new if he's beng suspected of another crime.

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That Josh/Hannah sex scene was smokin. ABC has been letting the soft porn pass the radar these past few days.

Lily is so practical, contemplating travel time as to why she can't shop. Shopping makes me happy too, but I'm broke.

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Great camera work with that Lily/Ava/Zach scene! Wow.

Mother Julia is amazing today. She is totally PMS'ing - and demanding apologies. I love how she is taking control of Wildwind.

My GOD - Josh and Hannah are hot. What I would do to be in Hannah's shoes right now. Colin looks like a great kisser ;)


WHAT! Julia just kicked Del OUT! Haha - I loved the expression on everyone's faces.

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I think this could have been one McT worked on that didn't get re-written....because a few weeks back, Kendall was all over Jon Boy and what he did, and I believe the remembering of the history and using it had been a re-write

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