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MAJOR Shooting at Virginia Campus...


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This is just disturbing....to learn exactly how truly he was; how calculated he was, and how determined he was to take the lives of so many for senseless reasons.

I just don't understand how after all they knew about him before this happened, nothing was done. It is just mind numbing.

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I just watched part of the video that he sent in, wow. He needed some serious help. His eyes are so dead. I just feel for the people that are so affected by this tragedy.

My sister is an instructor at a college and she teaches class on Tuesdays. They found a bomb threat last night at her college and there was an immediate lockdown. It was a hoax, but man there are some sick people out there pulling these copycat sh!t

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I remember after Columbine, my parents and teachers telling us to tell if we saw signs, or heard things, whatever. Just tell. And these kids did. These kids knew something wasn't right, and ever the faculty was involved. The signs were more then there, they were glaring. He took pics of the students? Um, yeah, red flag. This is all just so sad. And is sounds like, preventable. :(

God, I'm all the way out here in CA, and I feel this in my soul. It could have been any college anywhere. That's what's so scary.

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There's been all kinds of "copycat" threats. One this morning at U of Minnesota and later today at Old Dominion U are the most recent.

There's also been someone posting at Hokie Haven and it's related boards using the murdering f*ck's name as his screen name.

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That's sick. Wow. Some people are truly heartless. I expected the copycat stuff, and the threats at other schools, so that doesn't surprise me. I just wonder how many "Cho's" there are out there, who were spurred on by this. I mean, at one point, he wasn't mentally ill and was just like any other college student. It's so scary, and so sad. I see pics of the kids who died, and I see them, and they look just like any other college kid, or the kid down the street. It's so, wrong. :(

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I watched NBC Nightly News tonight...I am in shock and horrified at the images that Son-of-a-bitch sent!! I broke down in tears on my sofa at the images and I just cannot even begin to gasp what those poor people went through. I'm crying right now, just thought I would share that...

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My friend says that he really wanted them to suffer and shot his victims at least 3 times. I hope he's rotting in hell. He was a true psycho without remourse. This massacre was premeditaded. People are so sick; they'll do anything to live on in the history books.

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Kylie, do you have a link to that? I would like to use one like that as my signature.....and was wondering if they had one yet for Western Kentucky Univesity. If not, is there one without a college name listed?

I like the "Today, we are all Hokies" phrase.

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What is frightening is that so many schools (colleges) do not have any type of plan if something like this were to happen. Reading my local paper today reassured me that I picked the right school to go to. They called schools from around the state, mine being included and we were the only ones out of the 5 that they called who actually had a plan for something like this. Come to find out, every year before school starts they have training for all the staff in case of a shooting. I believe that they have been doing this since Columbine.

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This had better be a FREAKING wake up call for every university and college across the country!! It is sad that we live in a world were such violence can take place. I think about my two nephews and my niece...and I cannot imagine the pain and the suffering these people are going through. You know this world is such a sick place...it is coming to the point where we can't let our children go to high school because of the violence there but then it invades a university. I never in a thousand years thought a crazy bastard would enter my high school and shot us up and I never thought it would feel unsafe in a place like college.

How does one person become filled with such hate, anger and the desire to do the horrible acts this bastard did!! I sit here in shock and just utter disbelief that this has happened on our soil. Why is it so easy to get a hold of a gun? And this was just not any gun it a semi-automatic or something like that! And you can buy a gun a month in Virginia? This is crazy...this is the United States and we're letting crazed SOBs buy a gun a month like it is a [!@#$%^&*] CD club or something! Something needs to be done, gun control needs to be on the lips of every politician seeking the office of President, they need to toughen up on gun control laws in this country and realize that some of the worst attacks are coming from within! How many of these shootings is it going to take to wake these people up!! I never really thought about gun control because I never felt it affected me, but this is bullshit! It starts now.

I encourage all of us that are affected, saddened and destroyed like I am to research the gun control laws, figure them out and then write and call your represenatives in state capitol's and in DC!! This has to be contained in some capacity. I don't want to take away from the devestation of this all, but it puts things into perspective. We have politicians more concerned about who people sleep with, if they can or cannot marry...does it really matter if you're gay or straight or anything like that. A nineteen year old bought TWO guns in TWO months and murdered 33 people...this should be awake up call...I am so pissed and crushed and sad about this whole ordeal!!

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Josh, he was 23 and followed procedure, but I agree with all of your points. There should be stricter gun control. Currently, the laws are too lax. Virginia is a state that has no mandatory waiting period.

I believe in the 2nd ammedement. Citizens, after going through proper legal channels, should have the right to protect ourselves.Maybe someone could've shot the killer before he went on his killing spree if they were armed.

On the news, they were discussing installing medal detectors and cameras on very inch of campus'. That sounds like a great plan but I doubt it will be put into practice. Some commentator cited the "Big Brother" effect and not enough $$$ being funneled into such an endeavor. But something needs to change. Hopefully, there will be a compromise between opposing sides.

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I am all for the "Right to bear arms." About a year and half ago one of the grocery stores I worked in and a very dear friend of mine was armed at gunpoint. And as she was being forced to go into the booth to the safe a customer in checkstand #2 told the cashier to step back and he pulled out a gun and shot the robber...saving my friend's life. My point is the laws have to be more strict. You know we have an abortion law right now and yes that is important, don't think that I don't think it is, I have other thoughts on that issue. My point is that we can't protect our own at this moment, in this hour and in this minute...we're not safe.

I got sort of lost while ago, but yes there needs to be some procedure to follow I feel that VT was caught off guard by the whole situation as would any college, we're just not prepared for this and it is sad. I don't know why we've never thought it could happen? It's been in our high schools for the last ten years it seems like. Is it going to come to the point where the classrooms are going to have to have deadbolts on their doors? No windows? The thought is scary and it's shaken me in a way I never thought something like this would, scares me the hell out of me. I don't know what to say...

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Columbine, Tabor High School, Dawson College, Amish School and now Virgina Tech, why so many school shootings.

My heart just aches watching CNN and the tributes to those killed.

Watching the video of what the gunman said just made me feel awful...so awful I haven't been able to concentrate on studying.

I also just no longer feel safe going to class....especially after this...there is no safe haven, not in US or Canadian schools.

I feel SO sorry for all of those involved, if this ever happened to anyone close to me I wouldn't be able to live with it.

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We all think that gun laws are to lacks, and a part of me agrees, but really, people away says, "Had someone had a gun on 9/11" "Had someone had a gun at VT", it always comes back to that as bad as guns are, they're always something we believe we should have in moments like this week. It's terrible that he gots those guns but he went through the legal channels to get them. It wasn't like he couldn't have one, and went to all these extremes to get them.

I don't necessarily feel scared at school, but I'm more caustious now. We were talking in all my classes how we might be able to keep the doors closed in a situation like that. We were talking about if had to jump out the windows, were the best places to land would be, and how to land. It wasn't pleasant, but it was comforting to talk about what we might do. I hope the doors never need to be deadblotted, but I do think locks are acceptable.

For whoever asked, I don't know how to link to the group, but here's the name of it, just search it at Facebook: A tribute to those who passed at the Virginia Tech Shooting.

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