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B&B Discussion for This Week

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Since there seems to be very little B&B love here, I'm posting a discussion thread for this week.

Anyway, does anyone notice the insane chemistry between Ashley and Ridge? I'd love for those two to hook up and Ashley and Brooke to hate one another.

Today's show was great too, I loved that they played a classic Y&R clip of Ashley telling Victor she had aborted their child. Ashley seems more vampish and more in her element than she's been on Y&R during the past two years or so. I love how they're slowly establishing her in LA.

Rick and Phoebe still drive me to vomit, but B&B seems much better as of late.

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I'm sorry, I don't care how nasty this sounds but Brooke looked so pathetic going after Nick. The woman is a cancer. She only wants whatever she can't have and she thinks every man in her orbit should be after her. She just looked like an middle aged cougar who didn't realize how foolish she looked.

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Just the sight of Ashley & Rick in the previews made me vomit.

Ugh! Don’t know why but I find it terribly disgusting… Even more than Rick & Phoebe.

The only male character hinted at right now with whom Ash has some kind of chemistry is Wiiiiiiidge. But what about Thorne, Storm, Clarke or Thomas (Why can’t father and son share ths same woman!? LOL!))!?

As I many of us already proclaimed in last week’s discussion: Brooke’s behaving ridiculously selfish and pathetic. Nough said.

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I cannot even watch. :( Brooke has been ruined before (Deacon) but here she is completely pathetic.

I wish she were a full-out badgirl B!tch and then you could love to hate her, but right now she just looks like a twit.

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Totally agree Cat! KKL and Brad Bell cannot have Brooke play it both ways as the victim and the badseed. I do feel Lang is making acting choices where she feels like her character is justified in what she's doing, but Bell is writing her to be a victim. Nope. Not working this time.

And Ashley and Ridge have SO MUCH CHEMISTRY together. It's almost scary. I think Stephanie would like her more than Brooke, but I don't think Ashley will win La Forrester over so easily, especially after the Rick affair is revealed.

DOWN with Brooke and Ridge. Down with Brooke in general.

The Y&R Abortion Flashback was a nice touch, even though they didn't really go into it. I thought it helped to explain why Ashley was brought on to B&B, because she is such a rich character.

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Well I must be in the few cause I actually like Rick and Ashley. Go figure which means I wont get them.

I am sorry but Ashley is sexy and vibrant and that has been a long time and if paired with Mc Dud he will suck the life out of her.

As for Brooke still love her and yes I still want Bricky. Go figure!!!

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I totally disagree...for once, it seems like Ronn Moss actually ENJOYS working with someone new AND talented(Nope, Jennifer Gareis doesn't count...she was new, but not talented). It looks like Eileen enjoys working with Ronn as well.

For once, I just enjoy watching Ridge have chemistry with someone other than Brooke or Taylor. And Ronn Moss isn't the best actor out there, but something just seems so different about his performances when he is paired with Eileen. Almost like he's rising up to the challenge of having a new leading lady. And it's working for him because I enjoy Ridge these days. He just seems more vulnerable and real.

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I for one am just relishing any moment where Ashley is paired with a real man. Not a big fan of mean old Ridge anymore but after Rick and not to mention those Genoa City disasters Will Stiffwell, The Paul-pairing taht never took off, the promising Tom-fling which ended nowhere but creepsville and so on I'm so incredibly thrilled to see Ash opposite someone masculine which whom she actually has chemistry. Eileen Davidson is blooming on B&B - she's so full of life.

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I think Hunter looks pretty. I think both she and KKL are stunning. I love Hunter's acting right now. She's bringing just the right amount of comedy to her scenes. I love the way she just acts so incredulous about Brooke's behavior. The day she said Brooke was "borderline" I was lmao. I love Brooke too, but there's just no defending her. All I can do is laugh and enjoy her for the scandalous ho she is right now. At least it's fun.

I wish they would give Felicia and Bridget more too do. I enjoy both of them and they are hardly ever on these days. Rick and Phoebe have swallowed the show.

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I ask what was the point of saving Felicia from cancer? Shes barely on anymore and we hardly see any of the fine acting we saw during what was supposed to be a short arc I believe. I hated how she tried to push Dino onto Bridget. As for Bridget she just needs to leave town or find a man who is NOT connected to Brooke, Taylor, or anyone in the general vicinity of the Forresters, Spectras, Marones, or Logans. Hasn't she been thru enough?

The problem with this show is that therei s no character development. Not even a single iota. Eric is still a weak old man who has no authority. Stephanie is still a b*tch. Thorne is as ever useless now as he was back then. My poor diva Sally is dead (May you rest in peace Darlene). Ridge is still a pig and an ass. On top of that we can add a rapist (God that storyline still gives me the creeps). I'm sorry but that was an insult to rape victims eevrywhere. Brooke should have pressed charges and the pig should have gone to jail. Or at least a trial should have occured...major dramatic scenes could have occured and been played out. Instead the bimbo pretends like "nothing" happened and that she "forgives" Ridge. Speaking of her, Brooke, who I used to root for back like 3-4 years ago, is still a slut and a whore and has reached the point of no return for me as a viewer. To think I felt sorry for her when she thought Ridge had died those yeas ago. I finally see the light when it comes to her. I just feel so bad for Taylor because if there is one character to route for on this show its Taylor. She DESERVES to be loved by a guy completely. Too bad the slut won't allow that. If I were Thomas I'd kick it into high gear and warn Brook to stay away. Pheobe needs to drop the pedophile Rick and stand by her family! All I can say is Taylor better win this war cuz I'm done with B&B if Nick takes Brooke back. The show is completely done if Brooke goes back to Nick, marries him, cheats on him with Ridge (who reunited with Taylor), and then leaves Nice only to jump back into bed with Ridge....sick.

And yeah Rick and Ashley make me want to barf....what exactly is going on here. She left Y&R and then she what? Magically spent an entire month or summer with Rick in Europe. And now they're in love? Not to mention Ashley is like old enough to be his mother if I'm correct. Something is VERY wrong with this show and Brad Bell needs to take a look at it before it gets out of control.

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