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AMC: Wednesday

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I hope Always AMC doesn't mind I started the thread. I didn't see one for Wednesday.

Already, Tad is inufferable. As is Jamie. Why does Adam deserve to be institionalized?

LOL @ "secret service" Lily puting Kendall's calls on hold.

Thank you Kendall for reminding Josh that a world exists outside of Babe.

Erica has finally realized what a b*tch she has been to Jack.

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These Jack/Erica scenes are so sad - and I love how they put in the flashbacks. Great touch - full of emotion. I'm sad for this couple and am rooting for them!

These Janet/Adam scenes are hilarious. I love these two together.

Janet to Adam: "Let me give you the 411 on the people here. There is Jimmy - he really likes puppets. But stay away from the guy who makes tiger sounds." *shudders as Amanda takes her away* :)

I love how Colby is fighting for her dad. Jamie needs to just STFU.

LOL at Kendall having to talk Lily into letting her speak to Zach. That was hilarious how Lily took "hold all my calls" serious and wouldn't even let Kendall talk to him.

I still can't get over how much Hannah looks like Di's older sister....

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Jamie is a loser - I hate how tough he acts. He needs to STFU today. I think the writers know that Adam isn't the real villian, and that the fans are on Adam's side. (Or maybe I'm giving them too much credit) - but I think by them pairing up Janet and Adam - they have to know we'll love this duo and root for them. Plus, they'll definitely be getting back at the Carey women and the Martin boys....all in good time. We'll get our payback.

And I'm still laughing over that 'tiger' comment Janet made....haha.

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I get a crazy vibe too.

She's flirting with him, smiling and acting all girlish.

Does Josh know any other word except "Babe"? I know toddlers who have a greater vocabulary.

Who is JR to pass judgment against Adam?! Please.

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In the hands of a hack writer?

Looks like someone new has already taken over and if this is a sign of what's to come, I am THRILLED and I will take the bad until I get the good :P

Erica hasn't been the one who has wanted or rushed the divorce. Jack has and I think its because he thinks she wants Jeff :blink:

I HATE Barbara :angry:

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I've just got to say that Erica looks GREAT today. I love that dress she has on...and they keep bringing more flashbacks. I love it. Uh oh - Jeff Martin just left the Chandler Mansion - he better not go to Erica's. I'll be pissed if he takes her away from Jack. They are obviously so close to calling off this divorce.

I can't believe JR just said "My father needs to learn that every action has a consequence." -- JR is such a hypocrite.

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