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GH: Thursday

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I think she does. Maxie was messing with her brothers life and was insinuating that she'd cause even more problems. After the hell that Lucky went through last year, Lulu has every right to be concerned and want that skank far far away from her family

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Lulu was the skank that broke up Georgie and Dillion with her lies and manipulations. Again, she has no room to talk since she messed with sacrec trust and only cared about herself. Lulu unleashed her own brand of hell; she's the last person to shove anyone into a lake of fire.

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theres a big difference though. At least Lulu has shown remorse for what she did. She has apologized to both of the people she hurt repeatedly and has worked to try and make ammends. Maxie was just hateful and evil and didnt care who she hurt. She did not care about Liz or Cameron and the hell she inflicted on them even after her affair was exposed. She went out of her way to try and bring Lucky down even more and to destroy their lives. Lulu, with all she has done, was nowhere near as Maxie on her worst day. Lulu is a good person who's made bad choices. Maxie is just a bad person period

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You're right. Lulu has shown remourse but I'm annoyed by her willingness to just attack anyone else who makes their own mistakes and I refer to Elizabeth. Liz has been nice to that brat.

I may be back to hating Maxie. What is her issue with Liz? She's a stalker. She's funny as snark but she has Coop.

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