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DAYS: Actress Exits...

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After viewing the clip of Emily, I like her. She looks as though she would work really well with Darrin. My view of Abby though is still that her education should come first and romance way down the road....so I hope that she is written out to continue her education and maybe Ashley will come back to Salem in a few years.

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I would like Robyn Richards but Days has had luck with newbies with a few exceptions. The advantage to going out there and getting a known face is that the audience may take to them quicker.

Again, I will wait and see how the temp does. I am still on the fence as far as recasting but Days did spend alot of time building the young set and building MABY. I would also hate to see Darin Brooks go as he is a future star as well.

I wonder how much this has to do with Rachel Melvin taking off and getting so much praise. I mean, Rachel and her were close but Ashley was already asking fans to write in for her to get more airtime and Rachel keeps getting meatier story. Rachel has also developed more as an actress and has raised her game (lots of airtime will do that to ya) so I wonder if seeing Rachel getting so much and being in this good story of late may have pushed Ashley into leaving for good rather then just taking a temporary leave. Maybe she felt like she had been pushed to the side for far too long and what they were giving her now was too late. It's sad but could be true.

Alot of it was clearly held back due to her age. I do think had she been older she would've had more material. Rachel is older and that is why she had the love interests early on and so on. This could work out better. On one hand, Ashley is someone the audience likes and has a connection to. Plus, Ashley has grown chemistry with her co-stars. On another hand, Ashley has not really raised her game with her recent influx of material and another actress could perhaps take things to the next level. We don't know how good Ashley was going to be as far as range and so on. We didn't see all that much to judge. I am going to take a wait and see approach here.

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The "Reel" clip on Montague's website wasn't bad. I liked most of the scenes showcased, but I didn't like the scene with Mark Valley. Was she trying to cry or something? That was pitiful emoting. Other than that, though... not bad.

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They always seemed close. There was at least two features in SOD on how close they were and how they hung out together despite their age difference and so on. I remember when Soaptalk went to a photo shoot with her, Darin, and Rachel and they all goofed off together and seemed so close. All three seemed so close-knit so I don't think she had a problem with Rachel. I think she felt wasted by Days but I can't totally blame them because I know the age factor held them back for awhile. I just think the fact that Rachel is still outshining her right now, even with Ashley getting more material, and that may have played a role here. I mean, Rachel has developed much more as an actress then Ashley had. Rachel did get more story and airtime but Ashley would've too if her age didn't limit her as far as a love interest and such goes.

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People are going to jump to speculation and conclusions, obviously. It's life. I would hope the love of my life, Ashley Benson, would be a little more professional and not quit, just because Rachel Melvin was getting more airtime than her. I really hope she is determined to make a name for herself and get out in the primetime light or movies. And so far, it sounds like she left DAYS on good terms, so a possible return could happen. I'm in the minority that believe DAYS will survive past 2009. Don't burst my bubble! :P

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Kenny, that video nearly brought a tear to my eye. :(

And it wasn't because of the N*SYNC rejects either. Ashley looked so damn good in that video and knowing I won't get to see her grace my television with Darin anymore... I can't go on.

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I agree with you Drew. I think she may return someday and I definitely think Days is going to last beyond 2009. Maybe it won't be the same but still.

I have heard on other boards that the role is NOT being recast. Maybe she will return or indicated a desire to return. I admit when I first heard this I thought she was only leaving temporarily to film the movie, like others have done. Something doesn't add up for me because one minute she is ill and taking a few days off. Then, she presents a doctor's note and we also heard she got a role in a film and requested to leave and they granted it. I just feel like there may be more going on then is being reported or that we know of.

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I do wonder if pershaps Emily Montague's fill-in run could be to test the waters should they want to get a recast fast yet not alienate the audience. And if age was a factor in not using Ashley Benson's Abby in a romance, well, according to the IMDB, Montague is five years older than Benson.

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I personally hope Abby is not recast. At least not right away. If they must recast, I think they should at least wait a few months after Benson's been gone. Now is not the right time for another new face, IMO.

But if she's not recast, I can SO see Darin Brooks not lasting much longer, either, which would be unfortunate.

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I don't get why people are so quick to kick Darin off the show. Hogan freaking loves the character of Max. And he loves Darin. He believes that Darin is the future of the industry. He's going to write for Max with or without Abby. Rest assure.

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I think folks forgot how very young Ashley is. She only just turned 17 in December [Jason47 12/18/89- Ashley Benson (Abigail)...turns 18 this year]. The way I remember things, girls of that age did not go out with guys in their 20's at all. It was an unspoken rule. She would need a few more years to have a romance with the worldly Max (whom I never saw the appeal of). Hopefully that pairing is on hold until Abby grows up. Frankly, I think the writers wrote themselves into a bind here and Ashley wisely decided to take her career into her own hands. I hope she has a part suitable for her age and helps her along her way to a great career.

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