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ATWT: Jennifer Landon Spoiler

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Even though I hated the way Gabriel Devane was introduced, I thought the character had a lot of promise and I liked the actor who played him. I thought he and Eden Riegel had good chemistry with each other on more than one level. If Bianca should have went bi for anyone, it should have been him.

But I digress...

I don't think it would be so bad if Jennifer Landon wasn't already front-burner with one crap storyline to carry. Now they foist double the Gwen airtime on the fans of ATWT, who would rather see their favorites in cohesive, intelligent storytelling.

I'd rather see Jade grow than for them to kill her off. I've realized Elena Goode isn't everyone's favorite, but I think she's very capable. It would be interesting to see her become a fun, b!t(hy social climber. I'd love to see Jade do something with the older characters, far far away from the teen scene.

And Van Hansis is still playing the same tired ass "I'm gay and people still don't understand, but I'll rise above" crap. What is it gonna take for this boy to get a story and for Luke to get a man that loves him with no "Am I Gay" BS? Certainly a gay love story isn't be any more controversial than that dayplayer throwing Emily around her room like a cheap whore...oh wait...that's what she is! Nevermind.

If it came down to choosing between two PGP soaps this summer, I know what I would want to stay...

I'm just sayin...

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And even worse even after all of this Gwen and Will have not grown either, what was one of the first things they did together ran away from there problems, and what are they doing now, running away again. I hate JP. and I agree Gwen running this show needs to stop, I am just about done, I may love this show, but I can't stand to watch this [!@#$%^&*] garbage anymore. I don't care how good JL is I don't want to see her character ever friggin day of the year. All this crap means is that on the day's Gwen is not on, which is not many, we will see Cleo, Is there a reason I still should be watching?

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I'm feeling the same way. I am about to tune out! There is not one storyline I find interesting or look forward to watch. ALL THE STORYLINES FEATURED ARE BORING AND POINTLESS!!!! SOME BEING JUST PLAIN STUPID.....PAUL AND HIS VISIONS...GMAFB!!!!!

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Gwen has gone from a feisty, in your face character to that of a whimpering, basketcase that can't even stand up to herself for very long... Jean has really done a hack job on the character. and although I like Jennifer Landon, I don't want to see her on my screen falling apart every time I turn on the tv....now we are going to get to see her in a dual role, which in my opinion will be another way to cram Gwen down our throats.

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QSteph, that Jammy banner is HOT! Gosh, I miss seeing those two on GL. :(

As for two Gwen's on ATWT...if TPTB gave me any more reason NOT to watch this show again, they just did. It's interesting how Gwen was so loved when she first came on the show and now, people can't wait till Jennifer Landon's contract is up. <_<

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WHAT THE F-UCK?!?!?!?!?!

WHY can't we get a story where Jade isn't after Will or taking interest in Gwen's sorry life.

USE her as a freakin' Snyder! <_<<_<<_<

I'm more pissed by the misuse of Jade than the idiotic twin thing.

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The thing I fear about the dual role is this---the exact same thing will happen with Gwen that happened with Lily & Rose. Rose was only supposed to be a short-term gig that mushroomed and ate the show. Lily has never been the same character since. Once Rose appeared, Lily was resigned to the boring housefrau who can only wear black and brown while giving sage bits of wisdom to her rebellious sister.

Gwen has already been de-balled from the character she started out as. It's like the writers are admitting they think Gwen is a dead end character, and they've decided to appease one fan base (by keeping Gwen & Will together) and test "Cleo" with other people. Does Carly really need two sisters who ignore her? I. DON'T. THINK. SO. LOL...

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P.J., this isn't her actual twin. It's just a look-a-like. :lol:

I do worry though how this is going to affect Gwen. I agree with everyone else. The Gwen that we're seeing is totally different from the Gwen that Hogan brought on. But then again, look at Adam and the wonderul DE-charcterization job PissAnt's done on THAT character!! I mean, do you all expect any less? :P

And I may be one of the few, but I loved Martha Byrne as "Rose". I didn't, however, like it when they dulled Rose down by making her a regular and giving her a love interest and such. She was much livelier in the beginning. Towards the end, she was good. Not as good as she was, though.

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yeah...I'm sure that's the plan...for now. Here's hoping all the little Gwen fans don't bombard the ATWT offices with praise and decide to rewrite any of Gwen's history. *slaps forehead* I swear, if Carly starts having revisionist visions of her childhood past and remembers she saw Iris give birth to twins, I'll scream.

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