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I'm not a mod anymore, but I want to say that if certain posters on this board want to start another tiresome war between J/M/Dee/Drake fans and those that aren't, you need to take it elsewhere. I know Linn is a passionate fan of J/M and their portrayers, but there is no need to attack her personally simply because you don't like the characters and/or the actors.

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I'm not looking to start a war. I started by presenting an opposing viewpoint, then moved towards uprooting a line of thought that is fundamentally inaccurate. Linn is a passionate poster, I agree, but that doesn't accord her free range to post her passionate opinions without opposition. The same goes for myself or anyone else here.

And you might want to reconsider the phrase "attack her personally." Disagreements are not equivalent to personal attacks. They can be a precursor, but they're certainly not synonymous. As a former mod, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that.

If she wasn't trying to get us to empathize with D&D on a financial level with her initial post, then I'll adjust my response accordingly. However, it's pretty incontestable as to where she was going with "no income" and "families to support."

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You know what they say about assumption.

That was absolutely not my point. They didn't ask for this (I doubt P&K did either), THAT was my point. I was trying to show a number reasons why they wouldn't wanna ask for time off. They don't need sympathy for what they earn. They get it for the crappy way they've been treated through the years from me, but you don't like either of them and you don't have to.

JSF, Marlena was still sexier in any of her scenes than the rest of the actors put together. She's just got "it".

You can think it's incontestable, I personally, feel that I know best what the point of my post was. We're not brain surgeons here, we're just here to post, have fun and be passionate about something that's a part of our life.

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I do know what they say about assumption, and I'd boomerang that back to you regarding "you don't like either of them." I do have a soft spot for Drake, and find the both of them immensely entertaining (when taken in small doses). However, my interest in them as actors isn't really linked to my level of sympathy for them. Quite frankly, I don't feel sympathy for any daytime actors. A lot of them have a level of job security that is unprecedented in other genres of entertainment. Soaps are always seen as the ugly stepchild of the actor family, but from a financial standpoint, a steady career in soaps really can't be beat.

So I think the divide between us comes in with their "treatment." I think those two (regardless of whether or not we feel they deserve it) have had it very good for a very long time. So the only question I have left is if the point of your post was not, as I made an ass of myself earlier by saying, to drum up sympathy for their finances, then why did you quickly jump from their income to the support of their families?

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Truly, I'm quite flattered that you think I'm one of those smarty pants that sit down and think through every post for what to post, but I post in response to what I read about in the moment.

Whether they have a million dollars in the bank or not, I doubt either of them feel comfortable seeing paychecks stop coming in for months. They're the providers for their family, like anyone else, they probably enjoy having a steady income. That's all I was saying. Has nothing to do with garnering up "sympathy points". Good for you if you both like them, I'm glad to have been proven wrong.

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Wow, Pest Spray, I disagree with that last paragraph.

Yes, Dee's outside appearance is ALWAYS sexy, I think few would disagree with that. After all, that body -- and that HAIR!

But it's her disposition and her line delivery that bothers me.

Even as the SSK she was undeniably sexy. Now, she makes Marlena seem broken. Before the alleged write to keep John in the coma until the series finale, she had hope, remember? But notice on yesterday's episode she told Kayla, specifically, that vengeance wouldn't bring John back. And yes, you could argue that she meant vengeance alone wouldn't bring John back, but Dee's delivery suggested Marlena is a FAR cry from that woman who never gave up in her husband -- whom we saw just a few months ago.

She has unsexed Marlena. Dee's Marl, yesterday, carried herself, and spoke much like, Sally, the butch woman from '3rd Rock from the Sun.'

That's what I mean by her lack of sexuality.

She's cold, straightforward and not someone you'd imagine a man with, romantically speaking. I totally saw sparks between Marls and Kayla -- it was THAT butch.

It's not a bad thing. I'm not criticizing her acting. But come on, Marlena is unsexed. It's there on the screen. She's given up hope and she's not being pleased by a man.

And Dee plays it like she never will be again.

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I guess we agree about the broken part. I love how Marlena talks about John. She IS broken. She's losing her husband more every day. She's not giving up, but she is broken and I love how Deidre plays the scenes where someone mentions John's name. I find it heartbreaking, you see it differently.

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Smarty pants...Yes, God forbid we think before we post for fear we might say something smart, or even worse, accurate. When you don't think, you wind up having to back away from your original statement, because someone picks at its premise to the point where you have to.

Linn, come join me on the uncomplicated side of things, where we can both wish our favorite actresses will come back swinging, simply because we want them to! Such a lucid, effortless argument, no gold lamé falsehoods dressed up in sequin-adorned exaggerations. No need to send out invitations for parties 'o' pity. Just a basic, honest, heartfelt explanation that is utterly untouchable---for not even the smartiest of the smarty pants can tell you you're wrong. How 'bout it?


Dear Ponz,

I would have thought I was going crazy for having to explain (ad nauseum) that 25 years on soaps = 2 rich, successful, lucky people, but you have been my beacon of rationality! Let's go be indifferent together! ;)



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