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Days: Mondays show...

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Great episode on Monday!!!

Pairing Chelsea and Sami was a phenomenal idea. Their scenes are great!

So good seeing Dee again.

Nick story needs something already! Enough is enough.

I am kinda liking Willow lately....:unsure:

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Whether or not they are millionaires is highly debatable. Neither makes what they used to because of Days constant budget cuts. No one knows for sure what kind of money Deidre may or may not have gotten in the divorce settlement. Her kids may be taken care of but that doesn't mean she is. Drake may live in Malibu but what if he bought a house based on past income not realizing he would be downsized as much as he has at Days? Your right it's all about perspective and you assuming they are both millionaires and basically set for life is not fact, just your assumptions. Just becasue they make more then the average person doesn't mean they don't hurt for money when they aren't working just like the average person. There is that pesty perspective again, huh? Some might argue it hurts them more because things out where they live cost so much more that they literally can't afford to be out of work as many days and weeks as they are.

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Investments, investments, investments. There are millionaires who do nothing but manage their investments and make more money than you ever dreamed of. I know of two personally who make more than six figures every week and some days with their investments. It must be habit forming, a huge game.

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I think I'll reserve sympathy for the millions of people in this country who are living below the poverty line. Deidre and Drake work in a fickle business, they knew that going in and they have had it better than the large majority of actors in both daytime and other genres. They're part of an elite group of actors who can say they've had a steady paycheck for over two decades. If they're in need of money after a year of paycuts, then they're spending money like M.C. Hammer.

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Tsk tsk tsk, unless you have personally read any actor's contracts spreading rumors about how much they make or don't make shouldn't be happening. Don't you agree? :) And anything that was written in any sort of article would be pure conjecture on the part of the reporter because seriously what actor or studio is going to tell a reporter how much the actor/s are actually being paid? The only time that info is put in print is for certain prime-time shows i.e. Friends or Law and Orders SVU's contracts that were just completed, and of course movie actors. ;)

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I can't remember where I saw those particular figures but KD's point remains. Drake and Dee have been two of daytime's biggest earners for two decades. Unless they've been wildly profligate with their earnings, the idea that a few months on the backburner have put them under financial strain is- to put it midly- implausible.

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Thank you, Ponz, for re-stating what I thought was the obvious.

And just to reiterate, DRAKE OWNS A HOUSE IN MAL-I-BU. You don't live in Malibu if you're not a millionaire. It's not possible, because your house---it could be a freaking shack 2 miles from the beach and it's worth more than a million. That's not debatable at all.

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Thanks for stating that, Kate. Twice. :)

I mean, it's a shock, yes, but that's why I think, and almost would bet money, that Drake quit.

Think about it. Whether or not you like Drake or Dee, for all practical purposes, these are the TWO BIGGEST stars of the show. They're the stars. They make the most on the show, right? And because of that "Possession" story and all their other stories, such as Kristen, etc etc, they have huge popularity with the fans and because of it, have "contracts for life" (if there were such things). NO one would ask these two hotties to leave, maybe they'd backburn them, for financial reasons, but never leave.

And that brings us to the Drake's stalker situation.

When you are that rich, as Kate has rightly pointed out, you may not need the money that you're getting as an actor at a soap opera. You very well could be set for life -- at least, compared to the national median income! Think about it!

So when something this shocking, something this terrible happens to your family, as it had to Drake, in the grand scheme of things, no matter how much the "Days" cast is 'like family,' or whatever, in the end, they're not. And working at the studio isn't helping Drake to protect his REAL family.

Think about it.

And Pest Spray, I wouldn't agree that the best indicator of Drake's status is that no one has heard anything about his departure. Because again: when the actor is THAT huge, that crucial, even, for a show, even if in theory, based on a decade ago, the show's not gonna leak that out and confirm that fanbase's suspicions.

It makes perfect sense that Corday would want to keep it from the fanbase, which may be tuning in, in hopes that, one day, John will finally make it out of his coma -- not realizing that Drake actually quit, and john will never wake up, unless it's for the series finale or for some sweeps stunt -- before he just leaves town again, which wouldn't make sense if he left without Marlena, and that wouldn't happen since Marlena wouldn't leave Salem, nor would Dee, willingly.

So it all comes back to one thing: the thing that's in the best interest of the show, by Corday's thinking, is to have John in this coma so that he can keep the Jarlena fanbase hoping for a hopeless miracle -- and delaying, for as long as possible, the cold and horrible truth: that Drake Hogestyn is not, nor will ever be again, taping an episode of "Days of Our Lives."

(Unless, of course, it's the series finale, when he may make an exception and have the family beside him on the soundstage so he can keep an eye on them.)

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I'm sorry but that was hardly a response to what happened to John. I'd rather not have any response than to have it amount to nothing like it did. I would much rather have been able to see her reaction to the event when it happened. Too little too late, it fell completely flat and was pointless to me. I feel cheated and robbed.

PS, Pestspray: I didn't think you were trying to get sympathy or whatever MzDimera accused you of, for Deidre and Drake. That was kind of out of left field. I think it's funny that people on here are trying to come up with all kinds of gossipy reasons for actors not working. Kinda pathetic and I doubt any of them are even close ;)

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She followed a comment about their lack of income with the point that they have families to support. What is her point other than to drum up sympathy for their reduced paychecks?

My point is they're not exactly making minimum wage. And quite frankly, I don't think either of them would want our pity in that regard. Linn can want them back. I can completely understand that feeling (Kate's on what? Once a week tops?), but let's not create illusionary tales of woe about people who have been wildly successful in their careers.

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