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AMC: Friday

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I just read over at tvguide.com that today is a special TG episode, and they had a preview of the show. Very....interesting. For someone who has never met a TG and doesn't really know much about them beyond Nip/Tuck and now Zoe...maybe I'll learn something? Anyway - they have male and female TG people on the show. I'm sure Jeffrey Carlson will do a great job today.

Oh and Kendall is pregnant. :)

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Joanna Cohen.

And it's obvious that Childs directed - were those pinball close-ups really necessary? haha

Anyway I think what they are doing with the transgenders today is a good thing. They've needed to do something like this to solidify this storyline. That one black girl kept interrupting though...I could tell Jeffrey was wanting her to calm down. haha It's weird though, with the exception of their voices, I honestly don't think I'd be able to tell that some these people are TG's - especially the old woman.

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Haha of course. Quick cuts to the flippers and the ball going up the chute. Lights flashing, aliens screaming. AHHHHH!

It was too much.

The JR/Tad scenes are great though. Erica just interrupted though -- wonder if she'll actually spill the beans about Babe. Getting good....

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After 8 months,AMC finally stopped processing the video in the fake filmlook,so it now has the normal live soap opera look. Hopefully this isn't just for this episode and the filmlook is gone for good,because IMO it looks so much better like this.

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I thought AMC stopped using the film look a long time ago - last fall? They still use the camera, but they don't filter it through the film processing thing or whatever the technical terms. But today didn't look any different than it has since last fall. It still looks different than OLTL and GH and the old AMC, but IMO it is a better look overall.

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THANK YOU ERICA! I'm really happy she told JR and Tad, and that JR believes her and sees Babe. That whole thing with Babe and Josh leaving was beyond stupid and would have been a horrible storyline. Erica saved us from that monster, and I love her for it.

Overall, not a bad episode. I wish Kendall would have just come out and said she was pregnant, but now we have to wait since Alex has done something to piss off Zach. I wonder what this legacy thing is all about...

JR/Tad/Little A stuff was good today.

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First of all, I HATE that on my vacation day I slept through 50 minutes of "AMC." DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I saw the big Babe reveal (well, the beginning of it) but that's about it! :(:(:(

Second, I missed this incredible TG thing. Dear GOD, will someone please post the YouTube clips? I was looking forward to this.

Finally, filmed look gone? Has the world gone MAD?!!!! :(:(

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AMC has cut back on the shaky cameras,but I think they have kept the filmlook since the July 25th 2006 episode and today's episode was the first since then to have the normal video look.

Unless some other ABC stations showed a filmlooked episode,my local station WLS-TV channel 7 in Chicago showed AMC in the normal video look.

I wonder if SOAPnet will show it this way as well tonight?

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Hmm - that is interesting, bc AMC stopped the film-look (showing in my area anyway) since last fall sometime. Maybe October/November?

Today didn't look any different for me. I think AMC still has a different way they use their cameras which makes them stand out from OLTL and GH, and from the old AMC. But the film look has been gone for a long time for me. Which kinda sucks, bc I was really liking the film look honestly.

I wonder if the big major cities were getting the film-made episodes, while other smaller areas of the US just got the normal live look? Maybe that would explain the differences? That's really interesting though if you've been getting film-look episodes all this time though.

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Thank god erica squashes josh/babes plan. An that tramp babe will still attempt to kidnap little Adam according to spoilers, and babe fans wonder why we hate babe, she never learns anything. I think this pretty much squashes the erica/babe comparisons because erica learned from her mistakes, babe hasn't and continues to kidnap children. I hope jr gets full custody and leaves that skank out in the cold. Jr might be bad, but I would never call him a bad father. That whore was actually going to make him think that his child was kidnapped, he wouldn't know if a pedophile had him or if he was dead, how could you put another person through that, jr does not deserve that.

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