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AMC: Friday

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OMG, if AMC has taught me ANYTHING, it's that I will NEVER, EVER go to Las Vegas again. The police there are idiots, they're mean and they LOVE to obstruct justice. I also have a feeling that "Las Vegas" won't ever air commercials during AMC since part of that backwards, hillbilly treatment they gave the Pine Valley hunks probably wasn't so realistic.

But still, if it's on my soaps I believe it.

SCREW YOU, Las Vegas!!

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That's why this whole McTavish is out thing makes NO sense.

does ABC WANT AMC to die? Because McTavish CLEARLY knows the cast, characters and their quirks -- not to mention the INCREDIBLE writing skills of hers. I mean, "Satin Slayer" just DOESN'T stop!! It's on fire, as many of you have said!

And Kendall's method of "dying" -- INCREDIBLE. It's not a gunshot or strangling or something obvious for soaps. Three cheers for the great Megan McTavish, for setting up Kendall in a truly ORIGINAL way!

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This from a guy who had no idea that Babe's real name was Arabella? MMT knows the characters, oh boy, no offense, but that's talking out your ass. She knows her characters so well that she had to kill one because she couldn't think of anything more to write for her. She knows her characters so well, that Adam and Erica have been POD's for over a year. She knows her characters so well that she made Tad Martin a torturer and murderer? She knows her characters so well, that she rewrites stories, she wrote? Yeah, genius. :blink:

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I thought it was established that The McTavish (God, I LOVE her name!!!) killed off Dixie because Cady spoke out of turn? I truly believe, even if it's not been publicly mentioned, that the whole 'we ran out of story' idea was just an excuse to cover up the real reason.

So, there's that...

And I don't care what the characters were 'back in the day,' I love Erica, Babe, Tad, Aiden, Zendall, my favorite lipstick LesBIANCA :wub: :wub:, BARF, Zoe/Zarf, FREAKIN' Josh, deliciously evil JR, Adam, the INCREDIBLE casting of Colby (it's like perfect casting, her and David Canary), and anyone else I didn't mention! Love you guys! Thanks for entertaining me, babies!!! :wub:

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Well, I more then held my own.

Cady=gone because of her big yap.

Erica=fans are saying "she's back!" all this week, so who's a pod?

Tad=who cares? His character is interchangeable for the new viewers. :)


Josh=painfully HOT

JR=HOT in an evil way


Krystal=best mother in the world and on daytime, bar none; most intriguing character in daytime played by top 5 daytime actress

Zendall=amazing chemistry

Satin Slayer=well written, well acted and executed story that far surpasses everyone's expectations

Bianca=love her

Zoe=love her

Barf=love them

Jack=don't know why he and Erica are divorcing but love him

Barbara=lovable !@#$%^&*]

Lily=MIA all the damn time

Del=homophobic jerk who needs to die ASAP


little A=Awwww

Emma and Kathy=cute as buttons!

Annyan=soaps' next big couple

McTavish=my GODDESS!!!


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Was Babe "love" when she kept Miranda away from Bianca for 9 months, letting her think the baby was dead? I don't consider that love. There's no excuse for doing what she did. She did it for selfish reasons - to keep JR. Soap characters do wicked things all the time. I like that. But don’t tell me Babe = love. That’s what McT wants us to think.

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Pine Charles, I want to go on the record RIGHT now and say I disagreed with Babe's choice, in that situation. I did not support her. But she and I, we've worked through that. As you said, people make mistakes in daytime, and that's why I can safely say, yes, Babe is love. It doesn't mean she's perfect. It just means she is all that is right in such a bitter, cruel world. She's a beacon of hope and light, where there is darkness. She loves with her whole heart and gives all that she can. In essence, she is flawed, beautiful and love.

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Oh yes JSF - you missed Janet's reign of terror last Jan.-April. It was one of my favorite storylines of the 2000's.

After the Mardi Gras explosion, Janet found an alive Babe in the rubble and took her to safety in a remote cabin in the woods with Little A. She ultimately held her captive, thinking Babe would replace Amanda as her daughter, since Amanda betrayed her during the Ball. So then she locked Babe in this cabin, and then brought out her meat locker/freezer with a dead Trevor (her husband, Amanda's dad) - and said if she didn't behave, this is what could happen to her. Well Babe tried to escape and Janet whacked her on the head with a big block of meat. Then she put Babe in the meat locker with dead Trevor.

Man those cabin scenes and the rescue scenes were so good....I miss Janet!

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