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AMC: Friday

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These Alex/Zach/Kendall scenes are intense, edge of your seat suspenseful. I love the whole setup with Kendall tied up, a needle poised to pierce her neck if Alexander lets go of the button. I just can't wait to see how Zach can save her without Alex letting go of the button. The flashbacks to Zach's mother's death are really good too. I really love how this storyline is ending....very well done.

I was a little upset with Krystal and how she lashed out at Colby. Thankfully she apologized quickly, bc they got really close that week of Babe's funeral - so I'm happy that things are turning out ok. I still feel bad for Krystal, thinking Babe is dead, and thinking it's too soon to move Babe's stuff into boxes.

How cute was Little A when he asked JR where is mommy is over the phone...So sad, but cute.

JR/Aiden/JR - that is a hot trio right there ;)

Finally, I feel bad for Babe and the situation she's in - being held by psycho Josh. She now realizes her mother and son thinks she's done and she can't do anything. I'm rooting for her to get out and away from Josh so she can show Krystal she's alive!

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Yeah, I think Thorsten Kaye has his Emmy reel for the 2008 Emmys!

I loved that Colby/Krystal scene - where Colby told Krystal she was jealous of Babe and Krystal's mother/daughter close relationship. Colby has improved SO much and they are definitely giving her depth. Great scenes.

FIGHT BABE! Get away from that psycho.

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^^ITA Laurie, Aiden really knows how to hold his gun! ;)

Kendall's declaration of love to Zach - my God! Amazing scene there for all Zendall fans. The scene where Kendall starts out with "Even on his knees, he's a million times more the man than you are...." - and then she goes on. Wonderful writing there....Joanna Cohan.

Whoa - so is Josh really going to tell Krystal? That'd be nice...

GO JACK! I loved that scene where he stood up to the Las Vegas police chief - that was a great scene for Jack there.

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Whoa - AMC is freaking on fire this week!

What a bunch of awesome cliffhangers! I can't wait to see what happens with Kendall - damn!

That was also a great cliffhanger with Josh telling Krystal and her fainting with Adam walking in. Colin's a jerk though! He couldn't even catch Bobbie and that poor woman fell hard on her head! haha

I'm still freaking out over that ending - I can't wait until Monday!

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Crap. I read all the spoilers - weeks in advance - and I'm on the edge of my seat. Good job, AMC. And yes it did hurt to say that. Haha.

Babe's indignant, hurt speech about letting people think she's dead, like her mother...I felt sorry for her until I remembered she did the same thing over and over again. lol.

Does our resident writer critic, Sinclair, like Cohen? From last Friday, and this Friday - I really like her.

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Haha I know - I read the spoilers too, but reading them paled in comparison to actually seeing this entire week play out. Again, AMC is on fire!

I think Sinclair loves Cohen, because he has her in his signature. I'm guessing he'll love today's show. Kendall's declaration of love to Zach when he was on his knees - that was some great writing there.

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Jailhouse Rock Ryan

Well he still remains lying there in his jail cell and now reminisces as to what would happen had he not punched the cop well a lot could have gone down but of course St. Ryan just being a butt pirate had to get himself into trouble and drag Tad into the mess so it is like they killed two birds with one stoner. I wonder what Ryan is thinking about as he lay there in the jail cell. Perhaps he is contemplating suing his brains for non support or he is singing Elvis Presley's "Jailhouse Rock" to describe his current woe is me dilemma. You know he has to find something to occupy his time so perhaps he can play rock, paper, scissors with Tad and think that a rock destroys the paper when we all know that is not the case. Or could he be thinking of putting a picture of his buttocks on Mt. Rushmore and then claiming he had to "butt in" to the place? I wonder what could make him dream such stupid thoughts...well he is stupid himself so no surprise

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I actually thought it was a really good speech. It wasn't indignant (I didn't feel it was acted or written that way) it was one of pain and hurt yes. I thought it was strong dialouge.

R Sinclaire has names for all of the writers I find them all to be hilarious. :lol:

Off topic but my favorite writer is Marla Kanelos, thou Demorest is pretty good as well. Lewis isn't bad either.

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Skin, I thought there was an underlying tone of "I don't understand how somebody could do something like this to somebody else - you made my mom and others think I was dead! That's cruel! It's not right! My Gosh!" Maybe not exactly indignant, but I did end up rolling my eyes (in relationship to her dead children society issues) at her after initially thinking "yeah. She's right!" AH did a nice job with it in that it took me a few moments of thinking about what she said to get to rolling my eyes (which doesn't take away from the fact that she had a point).

Cohen and Beall all the way for me! I never think to double-check who wrote the episode because I find it to be exceptionally entertaining (or just more entertaining than usual) unless it's a Beall or Cohen episode.

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