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OLTL Discussion: Week of February 5th

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to our One Life to Live discussion thread for the week of February 5th, 2007.

Since last's week OLTL weekly discussion thread seemed to be rather well-recieved, netting us a total of 66 replies, we will start having a weekly OLTL discussion thread from here on out to discuss each week's episodes.

So, without further ado, I am hereby rolling out the red carpet and inviting everone to join us in this thread.


So, let's begin our discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live...
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So far Marty has rolled her eyes and delivered her usual put-upon expression. I hope she at least utters a couple of remarks in her own defense, even though I can't stand the self-righteous wench.

Even though Higley chose to write Marty's stupidity at diagnosing Spencer as mentally unstable, I can totally see why Blair would be annoyed with THIS version of Marty. Spencer could have gone to jail if not for this lame excuse of a doctor.

My favorite line so far is Blair calling Cole "steroid boy."

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Doesn't surprise me. Remember: Blair is the WICKED WITCH of this show. Starr has to tell her mother she hates her every other month, but never feels the need to lay into her precious father.

The more Higley and company try to make me hate Blair, the more I will love her. And using KDP to pimp Christine Chambers is not going to work ... OK, let's see if CC can hold her own.

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Dena Higley sucks. I mean, making Blair justify Todd's rape of Marty because he was "practically a kid." Kassie Depaiva has received by far the worst storylines and dialogue to come out of that woman's poisoned pen, and she continues to rise above.

I loved when Blair shoved Marty onto the park bench!

Marty actually said "Blair, why do you have to be such a [!@#$%^&*]?"

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Best part of today was Blair getting her bytch back. Starr needs to tone it down, she is acting like a spoiled brat. Maybe she needs to go spend time with Viki, Viki is always a great influence on Starr.

The second best part was the previews for Viki and Clint going horseback riding. Viki has a cowboy hat on just like Clint does, and it looks to be fun, except that a certain buttinsky shows up to ruin it all. :angry:

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NotMarty is so painful to watch, I truly wish she'd go back to CA, and take Cole with her. Even Blair couldn't save those scenes for me.

I was really liking the Jess and Antonio conversation until Talia interrupted them.

Nash IS the crazy one.

John is being a major jerk, and I'd wish Natalie would dump his butt.

I LOVED the preview and I can't wait for my V/C date.

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I wanted to be on Blair's side today, but I really couldn't. Was Marty really wrong about Spencer? He seemed crazy as hell to me, even if he thought he was faking it at times. Not to mention that Blair fell for his routine for quite a long time her self. It all just came across as Blair trying to blame the woman her ex-husband raped for all Blair's problems. Plus, I think it took a lot of nerve for her to put her hands on Marty in any way. I hate the way Blair always tries to justify what Todd did. At least Todd owns up to his actions.

I thought Nash and Jess were ok.

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I'll say it. I really like this Marty. Maybe it's because I can't believe that Dena Higley, a WOMAN, would write another WOMAN as saying that a RAPIST was a teenager and didn't know what he was doing... but I really like the dynamic of Marty/Cole/Blair/Starr/Todd.

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In case anyone missed the scenes at the end of today's show for tomorrow (including the Clint/Viki/Dorian one), here is the link to view them. It also shows what happened last week.

Link: http://abc.go.com/daytime/index.html

Just click on "Soap 411: One Life To Live (2/5-2/6)" on the left.

And here is a link to it with a little big bigger screen.

Link: http://abc.go.com/fsp/index.html?channel=Soap411 :)

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I agree, but Dena Higley has seemed to hate women from the get-go, and if it wasn't for the popularity of our actresses, female characters on OL would probably have been ruined even more than they have been.

Remember that Blair was raped herself, and I think she has always resented the way that Marty played the victim. Of course, Marty has EVERY RIGHT to play the victim after what she went through. That poor woman was gang raped, and she will never forget it. In the days of Susan Haskell, I really felt for Marty and her struggle, even though I always preferred the character of Blair. But in BLAIR's eyes, Marty looks like someone who has always been coddled by Llanview's best and brightest, whether Luna, Nora, or Viki. Blair was raped, and she had to deal with it on her own. No one cared, and no one gave a damn. That is the story of Blair's life: she doesn't have the support system that Marty has. I think that she resents Marty for a lot of reasons, and if it wasn't for Kassie Depaiva's ability to make her character resonate beyond her rage and her anger, I wouldn't feel for her so much. As it stands, I think Kassie KNOWS who her character is more than anyone else on that show, with the possible exceptions of ES, RS, and RSW, and I think she fights tooth and nail for the audience to feel for her just one little shred, even when all aspects of the writing would suggest we HATE THAT [!@#$%^&*].

I know some people think KDP can be over the top (I vehemently disagree with this), and I do think she may have actually toned it down (!) a bit today so as not to overshadow Christine Chambers, who is really overworking the self-righteous bit with her eye-rolling and smirk as far as I'm concerned.

I think CC is doing an okay job, but trust me: when Susan Haskell played the part, it didn't matter if you were a Marty fan or a Blair fan, you felt for both of those girls, and the scenes were LANDMARKS.

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