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OLTL Discussion: Week of February 5th

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I didn't mind Tate, but I just wish they'd use the characters/actors on canvas rather then bring all these newbies in, because I for one want to see more of Viki/Clint and hate it when all their scenes are pushed into one show. Hopefully we'll be getting more of an even keel, since I do believe changes are being made, just wish we'd see them sooner. LOL.

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I'm not a Chris Beetem (sp?) fan at all. I hated him on ATWT, but he seems to be a popular actor, so I have a feeling he'll win people over. Just not me. :P

I'm not feeling Starr and Cole either. I felt sorry for Cole when the kids made fun of him at assembly, but it's hard for me to buy him in this love story. He's not that good at romantic angst, imo.

I'm pretty excited to see what Spencer is up to. Todays's episode should be really good.

I could use a lot more Roxy on this show. A scene of her visiting Rex in the slammer was begging to be written.

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Ok I love Starr but not feeling this Cole at all. Maybe its the actor I dont know just not feeling the storyline.

I am also not feeling this Marty.

I just love Todd and boy Chris if you think you can throw zingers at Todd and not have had a come back you truely are stupid. Love the go play with matches. :lol:

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I liked it. I haven't been a regular viewer in years so I haven't had the opportunity to be sick of anyone yet ( well, maybe John McBone) and I thought the whole will thing was quite well executed. Marcie and Star were nice together. Dorian made me laugh. I like Lindsay. Loved the reveal at the end of the will.

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Oh my, I loved the dispensing of Spencer's so called gifts. They were so well suited, especially to Marty, Vangie and Dorian. I freaking loved the mirror he left to Dorian, god, that was priceless and I think the best suited. I could not stop laughing. WTG Spencer!!!

Am excited to see more of this Miles character, so hopefully they don't shove him at us like they did Spencer and make me dislike before him before he really gets started.

Still not feeling this Cole/Starr thing going on, and I can't believe that she went to Marcie, a teacher of hers and asked her to help them.

I sure hope Lindsay lets her conscience talk her out of getting in between Bo and Paige, I'd like to see him fall for her for real, in a more natural setting then being tricked, because everytime Dorian has a scheme it blows up in her face and I don't want to see Lindsay in the middle of it all.

I thought today's show was a lot better than yesterday's.

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Ok Spencer rocked yesturday. I mean seriously he had the last laugh with all the gifts he gave out. I mean they fit everyone to a t. I also have to say was Spencer hinting to Vangie that he knows more to her beleiving in Todd than she realizes. Interesting in deed.

Also Todd you poor thing you see your kids blanket and cant do anything about it.

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People may have thought he was hot (I didn't, but I guess that's because I'm not gay or a woman :P), but I'm sure some did.

As for BethAnn, she is five times better than he was, she is 30 times better. Mikey Jerome couldn't act his way out of a paper bag, and he looked like he was as dumb as a post.

I like BethAnn...she has been slowly introduced and NOT stuffed down our throats like so many others, and she looks pretty hot when she lets her hair down and gets to wear something other than a police uniform.

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I agree with you Scotty, about Beth Ann - I like her character and like you said, she hasn't been crammed down our throats by being thrown into every s/l or by interacting with the rest of LLanview (like NuMarty was). Talia was slowly introduced to the viewers and at first, just shown in her "working" capacity/environment.

I am actually liking the show right now, because so far (knock on wood) there's been no clue to the viewers as to who the arsonist is at this point and same with Spencer's murder (I think it'll be Paige who will have done the dirty deed but I'm really hoping it's Nu-Marty). Plus, cast interaction has improved, along with more usage of the vets. And, is it just me, or has the pacing of s/l seemed to have picked up some?

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Just to give everyone a heads up....this week the OLTL spoilers will not be posted until Friday evening, at around 8 or 9 pm once I return from class. Because of the heavy board traffic caused by the ABC spoilers, our message board has experienced some issues with the board going down. This has caused us to try re-arranging our ABC soap preview posting schedule...this week the GH previews will be posted on Thursday, AMC on Friday morning, and OLTL on Friday evening. That could change for the following week, but that's how we're doing it this week.

Just thought I would give everyone a heads up. :)

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