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Y&R: I sure do miss Jack Smith and Kay Alden.

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Don't worry, with all this dissatisfaction, I can't see LML keeping her job by this time next year. I also agree with 2003/2004 being one of the best years on Y&R EVER! So much went on then and stayed true to what Bill Bell would've wanted. Seriously, the guy must be spinning in his grave over what LML is doing.

Question though, if LML were to be ousted, who would you all like as the new headwriter and executive producer?

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Jack Smith had too much to do. It's usually a bad sign when a Head Writer holds more jobs than that writing job. When they're given the job as Executive Producer, there's too much power in one person. Not only do they get to make the primary decisions for the entire show, but they're creating all of the stories. If the stories don't make sense, who's going to argue?

I loved Smith's tenure on Y&R. I tuned in as a full-time viewer in 2002, during the time when the teen scene (Billy, fauxMac, Brittany, Raul, JT, Rianna, etc.) were graduating. I loved it back then. I can't even say that I was a full-time viewer. I didn't become a real viewer until 2003 with the Tuvia vs. Safra storyline. Loved it! And I loved that Smith had all of those African American characters on at one time. And they weren't bundled up in the same story, dating within race. You had Damon and Phyllis, Lily and Keven, then Daniel, flirting between Malcolm and Phyllis, BRAD AND OLIVIA!!!

Wow! I miss the good old days.

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That's too much power for one person to have. LML should NOT be the EP. They see what happened when JS had both titles and instead of changing it with the next HW, they go and do the same thing. It would have been smart to take the EP title away from JS and kept him as HW and making LML co-HW like Alden was. They could have given the EP title back to Ed Scott.

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