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GH's 24...

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These stunts never do anything for them...I think the only time one of these 'stunts' actually helped GH win sweeps was the train wreck. The Hurricane didn't do it, I don't believe the virus story did it either, and GH couldn't even win sweeps for the gimmicky return of Laura (I respect Luke & Laura of course, but her return was not well-written and yet another gimmick). What makes it even worse is that GH swears up and down that the show is broke...probably wouldn't be broke if they spent less time on stupid gimmicks that don't translate into any actual revenue (last week GH couldn't even top the demos). And more often than not, a veteran actor ends up losing their job to help pay for this gimmicky crap. And really, what is it all for? If you can't maintain the ratings or demos for a consistent period of time, what are you really winning? Y&R does both without a gimmick every couple of months, GH should take a page from them. All of this money on promotions and press and then firing Stuart Damon...if GH doesn't win sweeps....well I wouldn't be surprised, it would just be another example of gimmicky stupidity on the part of TPTB at the show.

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I'll give GH credit where credit is due. GH does great drama. It's just a shame that the show can't be this good all year round. Mr. Craig is quite possibly the greatest villain GH has seen in recent years.

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